The question related to the use of financial and economic instruments in the
management of modern enterprise, including the forecasting of the financial environment of
the enterprise, diagnosis strategic financial position, the formation of strategic norms of
financial activity. Analyzed the content and adequacy of current conditions and static
forecasting systems and models that form the analytical basis for making static optimal
management decisions on financial strategy. Substantiated that ensure stable operation
conditions of modern market economy largely follows the establishment of adaptive financial
and economic instruments due to its theoretical and practical justification.
The article substantiates that the timely and objective adjustment directions and use of
financial resources set adaptive systemof financial and economic instruments depends on reducing
risks and losses due to adverse changes in the parameters of the external and internal
environment, strengthening financial and economic position of the company. The article on the
theoretical, methodological and instrumental levels revealed conceptual and methodological
liability modern financial and economic instruments, its practical feasibility. Considered financial
instruments as a major component of financial management, which formed the base on several
interrelated elements – regulatory and informational support, financial methods and basic
(integral, synthetic indicator) measure used basis for constructing a systemor model.
Conceptual orientation methodological basis for improving financial and economic
instruments to ensure the objectivity of the information and analytical database management system now. Methodological approach to the formation of an information space diagnostic
indicators that a more objective level results provide operational and strategic financial and
economic analysis of the enterprise.