Economic mechanism efficiency raised funds community organizations to business development


Koval Z.O., Koval Y.B., Khomiak R.L.

The article substantiates the need for the formation of the economic mechanism more
efficient use of raised funds community organizations to develop business in Ukraine.
Are pointed out problems indicate that use of the capacity of the public and community
organizations in the development of business in Ukraine, namely: low public awareness about
the prestige and benefits of opening their own business; distrust of the public authorities of the
executive power and local self-government; low awareness of entrepreneurs and work
associations; insufficient level of logistical support and professional training community
organizations and passivity community organizations to involve its members, representatives,
experts involved in training programs. There is also a large number of problems of the
financial plan, namely the decrease in state funding of community organizations, lack of
mechanism to finance their statutory activities, as well as their consumer approach to raising
funds for the implementation of statutory activities and more. Other problems associated with
the formal approach of some managers of state executive authorities and local authorities to
implement the provisions of the current legislation, administrative documents executive
authorities regulating the work to ensure the participation of public institutions in the
formation and implementation of public policy, including policy development. in addition, we
havea low level of business confidence in public institutions and the small number of success
stories of their cooperation. Separation problems and create conditions for inefficient use of
funds raised by community organizations. Also processes the receipt and use of these resources
require proper balancing.
The article analyzes the current state on receipt and use of funds raised by community
organizations, dynamics and structure of these funds.
Structure research use of the community organizations during the last three years shows
that a significant portion funds raised were repaid by the state or non-governmental donors
unused or not reflected in the statistical reports.
The efficiency of the use of funds raised by community organizations and their possible
use for the development of domestic business. The basic conditions of efficiency funds
community organizations, namely: establishing a dynamic and multilevel cooperation with
their business, their effective support for the development of social enterprises, providing them
unbiased reporting in the statistics for the full analysis of the public sector, including for the
development of entrepreneurship and more.
The basic aspects of building economic mechanism more efficient use of funds raised
community organizations for the development of business, objective of which would bea
reasonable balancing processes the receipt and use of these funds.