Logistics Potential: Terminology Aspect

: pp. 121 - 126
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The article emphasizes Ukrainian terminology streamlining importance for the area of logistics and supply chain management. It is noted that cooperation of linguists-terminologists and logistics specialists should be considered as a prerequisite for terminological work of high quality. First group’s responsibilities include elaboration and presentation of the term resulting into reducing its semantic content by fitting the scope into boundaries of vocabulary definition; logistics professionals on the other hand are responsible for developing scientific discourse maximizing scientific concept contents. Logistics terminology problem gets into focus of every searcher researching logistics and supply chain management problems. Exploration results are rather representing semantic content of a term than polishing it by aiming at unambiguous and clear definition of the term, its conciseness. The streamlining of Ukrainian terminology in logistics is likely to draw experts’ attention to qualitative component of the problem concerning terms unification. And it seems reasonable to start with common terms, such as “logistics potential” being the object of this study. The paper aims at supplementing the scientific discourse on the term “logistics potential” with its subsequent unification. General objectives include (1) carrying out a comparative and critical analysis for the scientific concept of “logistics potential” by means of existing developments of domestic scientific schools and (2) proposing unified term for “logistics potential” suitable for further codification in the terminology dictionary. As a result, a visual representation of “logistics potential” concept is being provided; the author’s definition of the term “logistic potential” is being formulated; the need for “logistics system”, “capability”, “symbiosis”, “resilience” and “progress” categories usage is being explained as the most suitable for revealing the content as well as helpful for achieving conciseness of the term.

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