This study is aimed at studying the features, advantages and disadvantages of coaching in Ukraine in the context of European integration. The authors considered the definition of the essence of the term “coaching” by scientists; the main principles of coaching and the participants of the coaching process are defined; the influence of the application of coaching on the employee of the enterprise was investigated; a model of coaching effectiveness is proposed, which covers the critical components leading to successful results; popular coaching models are considered, including: GROW, AOR and WOOP models; recommendations for the use of coaching models in Ukraine under the conditions of European integration are given.
Many scientists focused on the theory of the foundations of coaching, its classification and terminology. Despite a fairly large number of studies conducted in this area, there is no consideration of coaching in Ukraine in combination with the conditions of European integration. Absolutely every company in the conditions of European integration must develop, because development is the so-called foundation for effective work. By ensuring the development of the employees themselves, the enterprise as a whole will develop. Of course, for this you need to use current methods of coaching implementation, methods, types, optimal sequence. The use of coaching under the conditions of European integration has a direct impact on an employee of a particular company.
The purpose of this article is to study the coaching field, its advantages and disadvantages under the conditions of European integration. In order to achieve the defined goal, it is necessary to perform a number of tasks: to define the essence of the term “coaching”, to define the basic principles of coaching and coaching participants; to investigate the impact of the application of coaching on an employee of the enterprise; propose a model of coaching effectiveness; consider popular coaching models; to provide recommendations for the application of coaching models in Ukraine under the conditions of European integration.
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