The article analyzes the peculiarities of development, the current state and specifics of competition, as well as the prospects for the development of the air transport industry in Ukraine, in particular, in the conditions of European integration, post-pandemic and war.
Before the start of the full-scale war (in February 2022), Ukraine used to have great potential for the development of the air transport industry due to its geographical location, existance of several international airports and active European integration. However, post-pandemic conditions and the war have created certain challenges and limitations for development of air transport in the country.
As a result of European integration, Ukraine must comply with EU standards in the field of aviation, which requires large investments in the modernization of airports and aviation enterprises. This can be a challenging task in the face of financial constraints and economic instability.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the air transport industry, reducing demand for air travel and causing airline revenues to decline. But after the decrease in demand, there was a rise in the industry again, until the war began and the airspace over Ukraine was closed.
The war in the country not only had a negative impact on the air transport industry of Ukraine, but essentially made its functioning impossible. Of the four domestic airlines (UAI, SkyUp, YanAir and Windrose), only SkyUp is currently operating. Nevertheless, there is hope for the resumption of air transport even in war conditions – it is proposed to launch flights from two Ukrainian airports – Lviv and Uzhhorod. Thanks to the territorial proximity of these airports to the border with the EU, planes would be able to quickly enter the EU airspace and fly safely.
After the victory and opening of the sky, the country will need a quick restoration of aviation. In particular, his plan should be developed by the newly created Agency for Reconstruction and Development of Infrastructure.
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