The article explores the challenges of globalization in the global oil market and proposes a strategy for addressing them. It was found that the globalization of the oil market and related issues significantly affect Ukraine’s economy and population due to the country's heavy dependence on oil and petroleum imports to meet domestic needs. Along with the impact of global oil market challenges, the war in Ukraine has significantly affected the country's energy security and exacerbated economic problems related to oil import dependence. Russian aggression destroyed a substantial portion of the infrastructure, disrupted traditional energy supply chains, and forced Ukraine to seek alternative energy sources. The refusal to use oil from the aggressor country has necessitated finding new suppliers, a process complicated by high global market prices and logistical challenges. Therefore, energy security and reducing oil dependency have gained strategic importance for Ukraine. The military conflict has exposed the country's critical vulnerability to energy supply disruptions, prompting the government to explore new models of energy system development. Developing a strategy to counter the challenges of the global oil market is crucial for Ukraine, as it will help reduce the country's dependence on oil imports, which is a key factor in national security, particularly during wartime and geopolitical instability.
The strategy to address the challenges of global oil market globalization focuses on several key areas: diversification of energy sources, development of renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation, strengthening energy security, innovations and new technologies, reforms and regulatory policies, international cooperation, and integration. The proposed strategy will ensure the resilience of the energy system to external shocks and improve the domestic economic situation by mitigating the risks of price volatility and energy shortages. These initiatives will enhance energy independence, reduce reliance on global oil fluctuations, and ensure stable post-war development, forming the foundation for sustainable economic growth and well-being of the population.
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