Structural and Kinematic Analysis Inertia Reel Compilation Shovel Horizontal-axis Wind Turbines

Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Different constructions of inertial mechanisms of blades folding of horizontal-axis wind turbines are considered in the article. Their structural analysis is held and analytical dependencies for calculation kinematical parameters of the mechanisms are presented. Based on the kinematical analysis data the influence of different geometrical parameters on changing of blades position angle and displacement of regulation sliders is investigated. The features of calculation of construction parameters of inertial mechanisms of blades folding of horizontal- axis wind turbines are analyzed. Calculation formulas for defining some geometrical and inertial parameters of proposed mechanisms are presented. Corresponding principal diagrams of the mechanisms are built and some possibilities of their simplifying are considered.

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