Modernization of Flux-Gate Magnetometer

: pp. 3 - 7
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Various types of magnetic field sensors, their advantages and disadvantages are considered.

Classic flux-gate magnetometer, the block diagram of which is driven, contains dual- core sensor with counter switching of primary magnetization coil and general output secondary coil for both cores. The disadvantage of this sensor — the complexity of manufacturing and the need for precise balancing of magnetization coil.

The single-core sensor is suggested. It differs from the counterpart by that the magnetizing coil are powered by amplitude modulated alternating current.

Theoretical analysis of the work of upgraded sensor. High-frequency components of the magnetic flux are destroyed due to Foucault currents, therefore on the secondary coil, which is part of the oscillating circuit, a signal with double modulating frequency is released. The block diagram of single-core magnetometer sensor and two generators is driven.

The construction of sensor is described and winding data, necessary for its implementation, is provided. The experimental voltage waveforms of the sensor output in measuring the Earth’s magnetic field in the direction of north-south and east-west are driven.

The features of upgraded magnetometer are comparable with the characteristics of its analog.

The advantages of the new device is more simple sensor that does not require precise balancing and the use of high-frequency ferromagnetic materials.

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