
Stages and measures of crisis management at the enterpris EG

The instability of the global economic environment leads to the formation of crisis phenomena, which negatively affect the activities of enterprises and necessitate the implementation of crisis management.

The purpose of the work is to study and develop the stages of conducting crisis management at the enterprise based on the identification of the type of crisis and its phases, which will enable the selection of the correct methods of combating and prevention measures.

Main threats to the development and security of society in modern Ukraine

The article states that today, due to inefficient socio-economic development of Ukraine and the presence of numerous external and internal factors of influence, there are real threats that threaten the development of economically important indicators of state development and lead to deepening crisis.

Strategic course of Ukraine in the context of modern security threats

The article identifies key aspects of the development of actions for Ukraine's membership in the European community. It outlines a number of current threats to the country's security, proves that Ukraine's economic development today is at a low level due to deepening military conflicts, declining key indicators of socio-economic development and intensifying economic crisis and pandemic, resulting in protracted European integration.

Theoretical and Applied Principles of Anticipative Control at Enterprises

The current stage of functioning of business structures is characterized by a high level of uncertainty and turbulence. In such circumstances, the earliest identification of threats or opportunities in the operating environment of enterprises is provided by anticipative management, which is designed to identify and evaluate the first weak signals of their occurrence.

Lustration as a tool of political system democratization in Ukraine

The paper deals with lustration as an institution of transitional justice, aimed at preventing recurrence of authoritarianism, protecting democratic achievements and creating a new political system. The principles of lustration and essential resources in Ukraine are defined in the article.

Специфічні загрози інформаційній безпеці систем електронного навчання

У статті розглянуто специфічні проблеми та загрози інформаційній безпеці систем електронного навчання. Проведено класифікацію та аналіз виявлених загроз.

Innovation imperative of retail development as deactivator of risks and threats of socio-economic security

The article proved that retail acting as deactivator of risks and threats to social and economic security. Researched approaches to defining the essence of retail. The content of the innovation imperative of retail development. Selected the innovation component in the structure of the socio-economic security of retail. Systematized and visualized exposure levels of innovation component of security of company, corporate network, region / sector and the state. Researched the best practice in innovation in the retail in the world.