напружено-деформований стан

Influence of Technological Factors and Cutting Tool Geometry on the Machinability of Chrome-Nickel Steels and Alloys

Statement of the problem and purpose of the work. The technology of machining hard-to-machine materials, which undoubtedly include high-alloy steels and chromium and nickel-based alloys, has some advantages over traditional abrasive machining methods. Among the most significant advantages, researchers note greater flexibility, faster changeover to other types of parts, the ability to combine several operations into one due to the versatility of the forming motion of the blade tool compared to the abrasive, higher productivity, and relatively low technological cost.


Problem statement. The production of oil crops and products of their processing has significantly increased in recent decades. Vegetable oils are mainly produced by pressing oilcontaining raw materials using screw-type presses. During the press operation, there is a need to adapt its working regimes to the seeds of individual crops while ensuring the possibility of adjusting certain operation parameters that are set technologically. Purpose.

Research and simulation of the machining process of difficult-to-cut materials

Heat-resistant and high-alloy steels and alloys are difficult materials to machine. Optimizing the cutting parameters for such materials is a complex and multi-factorial technological process planning task. The paper describes the method of analysis of loading, thermodynamic and stress-strain state of a workpiece while cutting of typical representative of hard-to-cut materials (chromium-nickel alloy IN718) using finite element simulation. Influence of feed rate on cutting force and temperature in the zone of chip formation is given.

Determination of Stresses and Ultimate Loads for Composite Plates with Elastic Inclusions

In the article, the algorithm for determination of stresses in anisotropic plates with elastic inclusions of another anisotropic material was developed on the basis of complex singular integral equations. The solving of integral equations has been carried out numerically using the method of mechanical quadratures. The strength analysis (calculation of strength) of composite plates with inclusions has been performed using the Hoffman criterion.

Study of stresses fields of Chatkal`s mountain zone of west Tan-Shan

In the article the results of studies of stress-strained state of the crust in Chatkal`s mountain zone of west Tan-Shan are shown. In the first approximation the main and paleo-stresses for separate area of the region`s are estimated. For analysis of the stresses the methods of mathematical modeling and tectonophysical methods of stresses fields reconstructions and method of recovering of stresses by earthquakes mechanisms are used.

Mechanoelectrical transformations in rocks of Tashtagol iron-ore deposit

As a result of laboratory researches at uniaxial compression of core boring from Tashtagolsk iron-ore deposits it is established that stages of change of the deflected mode of formations confidently marks out by characteristics of electromagnetic issue. The polarisation current, which is arising in the course of deformation of rocks, correlates with changes of characteristics of dynamoelectric transformations.

Layer and pore pressure assessment and prediction in the rock massif using numerical modeling

A method for estimating and predicting abnormal layer and pore pressure during drilling of oil and gas wells using finite element method is elaborated. Utilizing simulated stress-strain state of a real model of a massif it is shown the qualitative agreement of results with theoretical calculations. We identified evaluation and prediction of pore and layer pressures and reservoir in the rock massif.

Використання методу коерцитиметрії для ідентифікації напружено-деформованих станів корпусу судна

У статті розглядається можливість застосування методу коерцитиметрії для ідентифікації напружено-деформованих станів корпусу судна, який би ураховував невизначеність відносно миттєвого стану корпуса, вплив випадкових факторів, утому і старіння матеріалу суднових конструкцій. Проведено аналіз залежності коерцитивної сили і діючих напружень при статичному розтяганні плоских зразків конструкційних сталей, які найбільш поширені при будуванні корпусів суден. Наведені результати вимірювання коерцитивної сили матеріалу суднових конструкцій під час експлуатації судна.

Modeling stress-strain state bases of engineering constructions for evaluation of seismic hazard

Purpose. The aim of this work was to evaluate changes in the transfer characteristics of the seismic environment with additional loading of massive engineering structures. This analysis will help to more accurately assess the characteristics of sedimentary layer in the study of the transfer characteristics of environment under the engineering structures already at the design stage of construction. Methodology. Frequency characteristic of environment was obtained by solving the direct dynamic seismic problem.

Results of geodetic control of stress-strain state of RCO of NPP with ВВЕР-1000

On case example for the results of the geodesic control of geometric parameters ZORO is appreciated the influence of works as to pull of armatures bunches on tensely-deformed state acknowledging the effectiveness of geodesic works generally program as to ensuring of operational reliability RB APS with WWER-1000.