sunflower oil

Use of halogenated vegetable oil for preparation of polymeric materials

In the work presents to test of the possibility of using halogenated vegetable oil to obtain polymeric materials. The result of the conducted research the development of the methodology of halogenation of sunflower oil presented and confirmed of its structure by the method of IR spectroscopy.


In the food industry and public catering establishments of Ukraine, a sufficiently large amount of oil is left, which was first used during the roasting and cooking of various food, such as vegetables and fish during canning, french fries, pancakes, pies and the like. At high temperatures during contact with the food and moisture contained in it, the processes of thermal decomposition, oxidation, polymerization and so on, the oil accumulates harmful to man substances such as aldehydes, acids, ketenes, polycyclic compounds, etc. In this case, the oil becomes unsuitable for further food use.

The Study of the Interaction Mechanism of Linoleic Acid and 1-Linoleyl-2-Oleoyl-3-Linolenoyl-Glycerol with Fe3O4 Nanoparticles

The interaction mechanism of Fe3O4 nanoparticles with linoleic acid and 1-linoleyl-2-oleoyl-3-linolenoyl-glycerol represented by two-layer coordination model has been determined. By means of Fourier spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray phase and thermal gravitational analysis, the interaction mechanism of lipids (linoleic acid and sunflower oil) with Fe3O4 nanoparticles has been studied.

Трансестерифікація триолеату гліцерину бутан-1-олом

Наведено результати дослідження трансестерифікації триолеату гліцерину бутан-
1-олом у присутності каталізатора – катіоніту КУ-2-8 з іммобілізованими іонами Ni2+ і
солей нікелю. Вивчено вплив технологічних параметрів (температури реакції, мольного
співвідношення реагентів, вмісту каталізатора у реакційній суміші тощо), а також
вплив природи аніону солі на конверсію триолеату гліцерину. Показано, що з
підвищенням температури збільшується швидкість реакції трансестерифікації та