
Дослідження впливу довжини світлової хвилі на динаміку поглинання вуглекислого газу хлорофілсинтезуючими мікроводоростями

Досліджено вплив довжини світлової хвилі на швидкість поглинання вуглекис-
лого газу мікроводоростями. Описано механізм транспорту вуглекислого газу із повітря
у внутрішнє середовище клітини мікроводорості. На основі математичної моделі
приросту мікроводоростей визначено коефіцієнт приросту. Отримано аналітичну залеж-
ність коефіцієнта приросту мікроводоростів від довжини світлової хвилі. Встановлено
оптимальні довжини світлових хвиль для проектування технологічних схем

Simulation of mass flows of decaying substance in layer with periodically located thin channels

In this paper the processes of admixture convective diffusion in two-phase structures with periodically located thin channels are investigated with taking into account a natural decay of migrating substance. With the help of application of appropriate integral transforms separately in the contacting domains, a solution of the contact initial boundary value problem of convective diffusion of decaying substance is obtained. The correlations between these integral transforms are found using the non-ideal contact conditions imposed for the concentration function.

Decontamination of radioactive liquid systems by modified clay minerals

The process mechanism for sorption of strontium and cesium from liquid radioactive waste using modified bentonites from Yaziv sulfur deposit was investigated. The technique for predicting the intensity of the sorption process based on the comparison of experimental and calculated values of mass transfer coefficients was proposed. It was detected that the process of sorption extraction of strontium and cesium from liquid medium using modified clay minerals may be best described by a three-parameter model of the adsorption isotherms.

Особливості побудови інформаційних технологій моделювання процесів розвитку туристичних та інфокомунікаційних комплексів

In this research a number of important scientific and applied problems associated with the development of information technology for simulation based on physical analogies for objects of tourism industry and information and communication infrastructure are solved. The processes of integration of these technologies n an appropriate information system modeling for the study and construction of effective tourism and information and commu¬nication systems.

Development of diffusion-like model of informational process of the knowledge potential propagation

An information model of the city educational environment have been described, the processes of educational qualification growth of the individual from the birth up to full profession readiness and further increment of the knowledge potential have been analyzed. There have been suggested processes of the knowledge potential propagation within socio-communicative environment in the form of the diffusion-like model.

Influence of zeolite crystals external surface modification on toluene para- disproportionation selectivity

A series of catalysts with the deactivated external surface on the basis of HZSM-5 have been prepared by extracting aluminium atoms from zeolite crystals or by covering this zeolite surface by the products of tetraethoxysilane thermal destruction. The external surface deactivation has been found to be not the main factor of increasing the para-selectivity in the reaction of toluene to benzene and p-xylene disproportionation: decreasing the diffusion of o- and p-xylene from the catalyst pores on the external surface of zeolite crystals seems to be as the determinant.

Kinetics of macroradicals propagation and decay in polymeric matrix of 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate

Dependence of acrylate macroradicals concentration in polymeric matrix of 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate on time within temperature range of 45-80С has been investigated by means of ESR-spectroscopy. It has been established that experimental data do not linearize in coordinates of equation of the second order reaction, what coordinates with bimolecular mechanism of macroradicals decay. It has been suggested, that the effect of decreasing of the rate constant of bimolecular macroradicals decay in time is related with their propagation in chain propagation reaction.

Extraction Process of Intracellular Substance

In this study the mathematical model of the extraction process from plant material is developed, taking into account the anatomical structure of plant material, namely the presence of cellular and intercellular spaces. The solution of the model enables to determine its kinetic coefficients Dc, Dt, process conditions, and predict the kinetics of the extraction process implementation in practice.

Some Kinetic Regularities of Intracellular Substance Extracting

Adequacy of mathematical model of the extraction process of cellular structure solid bodies (plant material) has been proved taking into account its anatomical structure, namely the presence of cellular and intercellular environment. Diffusion coefficients through the cellular membrane Dc and in intercellular environment Dт have been determined. Experimental verification of the accumulation of intracellular substances in intercellular environment during the extraction process flow has been made.

On the Mechanism of Extraction from Solid Bodies of Cellular Structure

Adequacy of mathematical model of the extraction process of solid bodies of cellular structure (plant material) was proved with taking into account its anatomical structure, namely the presence of cellular and intercellular environment. Experimental verification of the mechanism of extracting of intracellular substance during extraction process flow was made. An order of diffusion coefficients through cellular membrane – Dc and in intercellular environment Dт was confirmed.