
Mathematical modeling and analysis of Phytoplankton–Zooplankton–Nanoparticle dynamics

In this paper, we investigate the population dynamics of phytoplankton–zooplankton–nanoparticle model with diffusion and density dependent death rate of predator.  The functional response of predator in this model is considered as Beddington–DeAngelis type.  The stability analysis of the equilibrium points is observed by applying the Routh–Hurwitz criterion.  Numerical simulations are given to illustrate the theoretical results.


The process of saturation of sucrose particles of pumpkin fruits is considered. An experimental setup for saturation of fruit particles with sugar under conditions of intensive pneumatic mixing was developed. The kinetic dependences of the saturation of candied fruits and changes in the concentration of sugar syrup under various temperatures were obtained. The saturation conditions are compared for various ratios of «candied fruit: syrup». A mathematical generalization confirms the ratio “candied fruit: syrup” selected by the authors of the article.

Circular Model of Interaction of Enterprise Innovation Capacity and Exports

In the current conditions of globalization and European integration, the need for the development of innovative economy and activation of export activity, innovation capacity is one of the key drivers of export diversification towards science-intensive products. An important prerequisite for starting and developing export activity is not only the availability of sufficient innovation potential, but also the willingness, need and feasibility of introducing and commercializing innovative products in foreign markets.

Modeling of internal diffusion mass transfer during filtration drying of capillary-porous material

The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies on the determination of the coefficients of internal diffusion of moisture from capillary-porous materials of plant origin during filtration drying, in particular, beet pulp, a by-product of sugar production.  A model based on the solution of the internal diffusion differential equation with the corresponding initial and boundary conditions were used to find the internal diffusion coefficient. 

Self-Assembly Processes of the Magnetic Polymer Nanocomposites in Magnetic Fields

Processes of self-assembly were studied in the magnetic polymer carbon nanocomposites doped with cobalt nanoclusters. These processes proceed due to the diffusion of magnetic nanoparticles stimulated by a combined effect of an outer steady magnetic fields and heating. The obtained polymer composites are promising for practical applications.

Application of Liquid Extraction for Treatment of Wastewater from Edible Oils Production

The structure of an emulsion formed in wastewater from edible oils production has been investigated. The type of emulsifier has been determined and the method of emulsion destruction has been proposed, providing further quality treatment of wastewater via liquid-extraction method. The resulting equilibrium and operating lines of the process were received. The number of transfer stages has been determined. The mathematical model of liquid-extraction wastewater treatment was built.


The effect of light wave length on the rate of carbon dioxide absorption by microalgae has been studied. The mechanism of transfer of carbon dioxide from the air into the internal environment of the cells of microalgae has been described. The coefficient of microalgae growth based on the mathematical model has been determined. The analytical dependence of the mentioned coefficient on the light wave length has been obtained. The optimum length of light wave has been determined to design the flow chart for eliminating carbon dioxide from industrial gas emissions by the biological method.

Structure and wear resistance of aluminium alloys coated with surface layer laser-modified by silicon carbide

Modern approaches to ensuring the necessary characteristics of surface of a material with the aim to improve economic and technological characteristics of the structures are considered in this paper. It is shown that aluminium alloys gain wide application in industry. Nevertheless, surface characteristics of materials are insufficiently good for their use in structures which operate under abrasive wearing and boundary friction.


The results of analytical researches of migration processes and turbulent diffusion of exhaust  aerosols, produced by traffic flows within reserve technical lanes of highways are given. It is concluded that rotors, determined as some areas of the rotary motion of an aerosol, are always formed within the diffusion divergence field of turbulent flows of exhaust aerosol.

Методика розрахунку прямотечійного та протитечійного екстракторів для екстрагування цільових компонентів з шару пористих структур

This paper is devoted to the method of extraction unit calculation of periodical action for direct flow and return flow of extraction processes based on an analysis of the kinetics of extraction of components of the porous structures of minerals and seeds plant material under a constant driving force. Запропонована методика розрахунку прямотечійного та протитечійного екстракторів безперервної дії на основі аналізу кінетики екстрагування цільових компонентів з пористих структур мінеральної сировини та насіння рослинної сировини в умовах постійної рушійної сили.