

In times of intense competition on the media, every editorial online media is constantly searching for the best selling method of its information product. Every editor of the online 82 media is think about the question: as soon as possible and best to deliver the publication to the audience and encourage them to read, but at the same time adapting to the needs of each reader. There are many tools for promoting media products on the Internet, and every year they improve and change, and appear new tools promotion media on the internet.

Museum Academies

Annotation. In this article are considered and analyzed the educational potential of the popularization historical and cultural heritage of the National Museum of Hutsul and Pokuttya Folk Art named after Y. Kobrynskyy. According to mordern requirements, museums have to become open multipurpose centers of culture, science, education and training in accordance with international trends development of the museum activity — an open museum for the open society.

The management of cultural institutions and their image on the basis of the institutions of wrocław municipality

The essence of the problem in the present market environment is the adjustment of the cultural institution’s offer to modern culture audience – their requirements and tastes. In order to fulfil the difficult task of managing such institutions, the leaders need to constantly follow the missions of these institutions and – at the same time – manage them in a “marketoriented” way and consciously create their image. One of the responses to the present culture consumers’ trends in experiential marketing.

The use of social marketing to the promotion of energy-efficient construction

Energy-efficient buildings or passive in the coming years should become a standard in Poland and Europe. Energy-efficient buildings are generally more expensive than traditional, so there are some psychological barriers before making a decision on their implementation. Despite a significant increase in awareness of investors in this area it is essential to disseminate knowledge about the need and benefits coming from the use of such solutions.