
Study on the Liquid Phase Reaction of Ozone with Ethylbenzene and Its Derivatives

This work deals with the investigation of the reactions of ethylbenzene and its derivatives with ozone in a solution of glacial acetic acid. The products and kinetic features of oxidation were studied, the kinetic parameters of the reactions were found, and the mechanism of ozonation in the liquid phase was proposed. The influence of deactivating substituents (-Br, -NO2) in the aromatic ring on the selectivity of the side chain oxidation of the substrate was established.


Article is devoted to research of impact of combined use of catalytic systems based on
industrial oxidation catalysts and surface-active compounds of different nature (ion- and noniongenic)
with ultrasonic treat ment of reaction mixture at alkylaromatic compounds liquidphase
oxidation process. Obtained results showed that combined use of catalytic system and
ultrasound has impact on ethylbenzene oxidation. Created catalytic systems not only increase
productivity of reaction volume (for aim products), but also allow to shift process selectivity

Вплив поверхнево-активних сполук на гомогенно-каталітичні процеси окиснення алкілароматичних вуглеводнів

Досліджено вплив поверхнево-активних речовин різної природи (йонно- та
нейонногенних) на процес рідиннофазного окиснення алкілароматичних сполук.
Одержані результати дають змогу стверджувати, що вплив застосування поверхнево-
активних сполук як каталітичних добавок повязаний не тільки і не стільки з їх
природою, скільки зі здатністю формувати активні каталітичні комплекси [добавка –
каталізатор – субстрат]. Створенні каталітичні системи не лише збільшують
продуктивність реакційного обладнання за цільовими продуктами, але й здатні

Influence of Complex-Creative Additives on Oxidation of Hydrocarbons

Article contains results of oxidation of different classes of hydrocarbons (alicyclic, alkylaromatic) in the presence of catalytic systems containing salt of variable valence metal and organic additive of different nature (perfluorooxasulphonates, crown-ethers, polyglycols). It was found that the influence of investigated catalytic systems depends on the nature of the hydrocarbon and the nature of the additive. The main areas of influence of organic additives on the rate and selectivity of oxidation of hydrocarbons were considered and the most probable ones were proved.

Ultrasonic Activation of the Catalysts of Ethylbenzene Dehydration to Styrene

The ultrasonic treatment of Fe2-Bi-Mo2-Ox catalyst of ethylbenzene oxidative dehydration to styrene has been studied. Its physico-chemical properties have been compared with those of non-activated catalyst before and after operation. It has been shown that the catalyst prepared from salts solution activated by ultrasound has better activity and increases styrene yield under the same conditions.

The Selective Ethylbenzene Oxidation by Dioxygen into -Phenyl Ethyl Hydroperoxide, Catalyzed with Triple Catalytic System {NiII(acac)2+NaSt(LiSt)+PhOH}. Formation of Nanostructures {NiII(acac)2•NaSt•(PhOH)}n with Assistance of Intermolecular H-Bonds

The role of intra- and intermolecular H-bonds in mechanisms of catalysis with triple heterobinuclear hetero ligand complexes NiII(acac)2∙NaSt(LiSt)∙PhOH, including nickel and redox-inactive metal Na(Li), in the ethylbenzene oxidation by dioxygen into -phenyl ethyl hydroperoxide is discussed. The AFM method has been used for research of the stable supramolecular nanostructures formation possibility on the basis of triple complex NiII(acac)2∙NaSt∙PhOH, with the assistance of intermolecular H-bonds.

Some Supramolecular Nanostructures Based on Catalytic Active Nickel and Iron Heteroligand Complexes. Functional Models of Ni(Fe) Dioxygenases

The possibility of the supramolecular nano structures formation on the basis of iron and nickel heteroligand complexes: Fex(acac)y18C6m(H2O)n, and Fex(acac)y(CTAB)p(H2O)q, or Ni2(OAc)3(acac)L2•2H2O (L2 = MP)  with the assistance of H-bonding, is researched using the AFM method. Formation of different supramolecular nanostructures on the basis of nickel and iron heteroligand complexes as models for Ni(Fe)ARD Dioxygenases may be used for understanding of different actions of these enzymes.

Catalytic Activity of Binary and Triple Systems Based on Redox Inactive Metal Compound, LiSt and Additives of Monodentate Ligands-Modifiers: DMF, HMPA and PhOH, in Selective Ethylbenzene Oxidation with Dioxygen

Mechanism of catalysis with binary and triple catalytic systems based on redox inactive metal (lithium) compound {LiSt+L2} and {LiSt+L2+PhOH} (L2=DMF or HMPA), in the selective ethylbenzene oxidation by dioxygen into -phenylethyl hydroperoxide is researched. The results are compared with catalysis by nickel-lithium triple system {NiII(acac)2+LiSt+PhOH} in selective ethylbenzene oxidation to PEH. The role of H-bonding in mechanism of catalysis is discussed.