human resources

Talent management in public authorities

Problem setting. Under the conditions of the intense labour market and fierce competition, talented and highly productive workers, who can learn quickly and adapt to rapid changes in the environment, and possess a range of unique skills, knowledge and competence in a particular field are particularly valuable. It was these employees who led the emergence of the new term “war for talent”, which initiated the formation of a whole direction in approaches to personnel management, namely talent management.


Motivated person is a driving force any company, independent of company’s size or purpose. Most companies do not give great value to motivating human resources or they can not properly analyze motivating system. The purpose of the article is to determine the mechanism of effective enterprise and human resource management based on key performance indicators.

Migration factors on the main stage urban development


У статті розглянуто активний вплив міграційного натиску (переміщень і розселення по території) на планувальну структуру поселень. Елементи системи розселення – центри, периферії, вуличні мережі, інженерні комунікації, житлові райони формують багаторівневі структури, які з’єднані функціональними і просторовими зв’язками. Містобудівний контекст у вивченні міграційних переміщень населення має на меті розробити механізм структурної реорганізації архітектурного середовища.

Human resources component of economic stability of domestic enterprises

In the article the concept of the “economic stability” is analyzed, the different areas of its interpretation are described. Main components providing enterprises’ economic stability are highlighted, namely financial, human resources, marketing, informational etc. The necessity of integrated approach to economic sustainability management of domestic enterprises is stressed. Internal factors affecting economic stability and sustainable development nowadays and in the future are covered.

Features of formation of goals social and social communication components in the projects of the “smart bridge”

The article presents results of the search and analysis of publications, which investigated the influence of the ’human factor’ on the formation of goals in the socio-communicative section of the portfolio of projects ’Smart City’, as a key element in the development of systems “smart city” is the society with its needs and perspectives. It is people, and not technology, who are the creators of modern cities, active participants of projects with their transformations and the major consumers of urban services.

Financial provision of education market as a factor of development human potential

The article reveals substantial nature of human capacity in the system of categories such as "human resources" and "human capital". The authors substantiate the role of education as a productive force of human development. Also analyzed the dynamics of total education costs in Ukraine, the number of educational customers, the household number on the paid educational market. The article investigated the factors of financial providing education, which cause loss of human potential.