filtration drying

Hydrodynamics of Cotton Filtration Drying

The work deals with the results of using the cotton fiber as the purest and most natural cellulose, as well as a raw material for the production of various chemical products. The necessity of cotton fiber preparation for its use in the chemical industry and expediency of its drying via a filtration method has been substantiated. The geometrical parameters of individual cotton villi, physical and mechanical characteristics of the layer were experimentally investigated.

Effective techniques for bio-coal briquettes production.

The production of bio-coal briquettes gives an opportunity to utilize low grade coal as well as the great amount of agricultural residues, to increase the calorific value of obtained briquettes and to improve their chemical and physical properties. The present study is focused on developing the technological scheme which gives an opportunity to reduce the energy consumption in production line of composite fuel as well as to produce bio-coal briquettes with good mechanical integrity.

Modeling of internal diffusion mass transfer during filtration drying of capillary-porous material

The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies on the determination of the coefficients of internal diffusion of moisture from capillary-porous materials of plant origin during filtration drying, in particular, beet pulp, a by-product of sugar production.  A model based on the solution of the internal diffusion differential equation with the corresponding initial and boundary conditions were used to find the internal diffusion coefficient. 

Activation energy and effective moisture diffusivity determination in drying of grinded artichoke stems

In Ukraine plant biomass from crop fields and forests is the dominant renewable energy source and it is suitable to replace fuels by producing bio-gas, bio-ethanol as well as solid bio-fuel. Tubes of Jerusalem artichoke are used as functional food ingredients such as inulin, fructose and oligofructose as well as bioactive ingredient sources for pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.


The results of experimental studies of the kinetics of filtration drying of disperse materials of different structural structure and dispersible composition are presented in the paper, as well as the dynamics of saturation of the waste heat agent with moisture during the filtration drying of materials at different height of layer of the last ones.

The heat-and-mass transfer during filtration drying of feedstock for slag gravel production. Research of change of temperature of thermal agent is on height of layer of material

In the article the results of experimental and theoretical researches are presented heat- and mass-transfer during the filtration drying of feedstock for slag gravel production. Time-history of temperature of thermal agent is experimentally investigational on the height of layer of dry and moist raw material materials and dependence of speed of moving of mass-transfer zone is certain on a temperature.

Моделювання тепло-масообмінних процесів під час фільтраційного сушіння струганого березового шпону

A process of filtration drying of packed birch veneer is proposed. Experimentally determined heat-and-mass transfer coefficients depending on the speed of the thermal agent and presented in the form of criterial equations. Coefficient of internal diffusion of moisture from veneer sheets is determined and set its dependence on temperature. Запропоновано процес фільтраційного сушіння березового шпону у пакеті. Експериментально визначені коефіцієнти тепло- та масопередачі залежно від швидкості руху теплового агента представлені у формі критеріальних рівнянь.

Mass Exchange Dynamics During the Second Filtration Drying Period

The work is dedicated to theoretical and experimental investigations of kinetics and dynamics of filtration drying of capillary and pore materials, and mineral granulated fertilizers, in particular. The proposed physical model of a moist particle and the differential system of equations which describes heat exchange in the second drying period enables to determine the transfer velocity of mass-exchange zone in a dispersion layer of the material during filtration drying.

External Heat-and-Mass Transfer during Drying of Packed Birch Peeled Veneer

External heat-and-mass transfer during filtration drying of packed birch peeled veneer has been investigated. The dependence of heat-and-mass transfer coefficients on actual speed of heat agent filtration has been determined for dry and wet veneer sheets. The effect of heat agent temperature on the values of diffusive, heat and hydrodynamic boundary layers, and as a result, on heat-and-mass transfer intensity has been established by the experiments during filtration drying of packed veneer.

Diffusive Mass Transfer during Drying of Grinded Sunflower Stalks

Diffusive mass transfer has been studied during drying of grinded sunflower stalks to produce fuel briquettes. Theoretical aspects of diffusive processes during filtration drying have been analyzed. The process of diffusive mass transfer during drying of grinded sunflower stalks particles of prismatic shape has been mathematically described. The temperature effect on effective diffusion coefficient has been examined.