
Modeling quality of underground pipelines in the conditions of corrosive fatigue

The presence of fatigue cracks on the surface of metallic underground pipelines sharpens the problem of calculation values of strength characteristics at the action of corrosive environments, that did not find the complete decision nowadays. In this connection it is needed to correct the row of defects and normative and technical documents related to insufficient actuality of corresponding.

Corrosion-mechanical resistance of arc-sprayed coatings made from cored powders

Result of investigations of resistance against corrosion and mechanical resistance of obtained by means of arc-spray metallization (with the use of cored wires) coatings are presented. The cored wires (CWs) enable us to regulate the chemical composition and, consequently, properties of the deposited coating in a wide range.

Вплив модифікованого алюмосилікату на захисні властивості алкідних покриттів

It was established that natural and Ca modified zeolite inhibit steel corrosion in the medium of low acid rain. The Ca-containing zeolite inhibit the steel corrosion in the most effective way. The protective effectiveness of the alkyd coatings filled with zeolites can be placed in the following order:  unmodified < with natural zeolite < with Ca-containing zeolite.  Встановлено, що природний та модифікований кальцієм цеоліти інгібують корозію сталі в середовищі слабкокислих дощових опадів. Найефективніше інгібує корозію сталі Ca-вмісний цеоліт.

Вивчення інгібування корозії вуглецевої сталі методом імпедансної спектроскопії

The inhibitory action of nitrogen- and oxygen-containing inhibitors has been investigated by impedance spectroscopy using commercial Armco iron in 0,1 M solution of hydrochloric acid with butanol. The mechanism of blocking effect of the studied compounds has been determined. Методом імпедансної спектроскопії досліджено захисні властивості інгібіторів корозії з нітроген- та оксигенгрупами на промисловому варіанті заліза Армко в 0,1 М розчині соляної кислоти з бутанолом. Визначено механізм блокувального ефекту досліджуваних речовин.

Захисна дія інгібіторів корозії під час репасивації алюмінію

The protective effect of chromate and phosphate inorganic corrosion inhibitors on the mechanically activated aluminium surface was studied. It was determined that the value of the electrode potential of aluminum during its repassivation in the control and inhibited corrosive environments was 100-400 mV lower than at free corrosion, which indicates the possibility of galvanic interaction between activated and not damaged areas of metal. Aluminium repassivation rate was highest in uninhibited and chromate inhibited solutions and somewhat lower in phosphate solution.

Нормативні вимоги щодо контролю параметрів корозійного стану підземних трубопроводів

Розроблено рекомендації щодо поєднання в нормативному документі вимог контролю ступеня захищеності підземних трубопроводів із сталі в корозійному середовищі з позицій електрохімії і механіки деформівного твердого тіла
***Recommendations in relation to combination in the normative document of requirements in relation to control of degree of security of underground pipelines from steel in a corrosive environment from positions of electrochemistry and mechanics of deformable solid are worked out***

Methods of salt content stabilization in circulating water supply systems

The effect of corrosion inhibitors and microbiocides presented in circulating water supply systems on the corrosion rate of structural materials has been studied. It is shown that using the mixture of zinc phosphonates aqueous solutions, special polymeric dispersants and microbicides based on bromine and quaternary ammonium salts provides dissolution of calcium carbonate deposits and the corrosion rate of steel materials at the lowest level. Rational modes of circulating water chemical treatment are proposed, which increase operational reliability.

Corrosion protection of oil production and refinery equipment

The review of methods of industrial equipment corrosion prevention is presented. Application of technological means using chemical reagents and surface-active substances is considered, namely dehydration and desalting of hydrocarbon products of deposits by surface-active substances – so called demulsifiers. Corrosion inhibitors and neutralizing agents for protection of condensation-refrigeration equipment and overheads of atmospheric columns are examined. The amount of reagents to be used and the process conditions were determined.

Self-cured polymers from non-drying oil

Pongamia glabra seed oil (PGSO) – a non-edible, non-drying oil; a sustainable resource has found application as alkyds, epoxies and polyesteramides in paints and coatings. Generally, PGSO based polymeric coatings are obtained by curing at elevated temperature. Efforts have been made to cure PGSO at room temperature by simple route modification.

Correlation between Electrochemical Corrosion and Structural State of Steel by Simulation of Operation Conditions of Railway Wheels

Corrosion mechanism and corrosion rate of wheel steel of different chemical and structural compositions have been investigated. It has been shown that “white layers”, variation in grains size and structure streakiness of wheel steel increase corrosion rate. Wheel steel with vanadium additives corrodes more quickly than that without vanadium. Non-metallic inclusions are the centers of corrosion nucleation and their influence on corrosion depends on inclusion type. Corrosion mechanism of wheel steel has been discussed.