polyethylene glycol

Compositions of Arylalicyclic Copolyimide with Alkylated Monthmorillonite

The results of studies on the preparation and study of the properties of composite materials based on compositions of arylalicyclic copolyimide and alkylated montmorillonite (AMM) modified with polyethylene glycol to increase the affinity of a natural mineral to polymer matrix are presented in the work. It was found that an increase in the compatibility of composition’s components is due to the addition to copolyimide solution of previously prepared mixture of alkylated montmorillonite in 5 % and 2 % polyethylene glycol solution in methylpyrrolidone.

Optimized Design and Fabrication of Polyethylene Glycol 1000/Polyamide 6 (PEG1000/PA6) Nanofibers for Phase Change Materials (PCMs) Application

Ultrafine phase change nanofibers based on polyethylene glycol 1000 (PEG1000) as phase change material (PCM) and polyamide 6 (PA6) as a supporting material were prepared in a systematic manner planned by the Design-Expert® software using the uniaxial electros-pinning. Research surface methodology (RSM) was carried out to optimize the parameters and conditions leading to minimize the fiber diameter. The effect of PEG content, applied voltage, needle gauge, and flow rate on the fiber characteristics was studied by a central composite design (CCD).

Synthesis and Properties of Phosphorus-Containing Pseudo-Poly(Amino Acid)sof Polyester Type Based on N-Derivatives of Glutaminic Acid

Poly(phosphoeter)s (PPE)s are a class of polymers possessing a high chemical functionality and biodegradability. Novel, glutamic acid based poly(phosphoeter)s were synthesized by the Steglich reaction. The developed synthetic approach allows controlling the composition and the structure of PPEs, and therefore their physical and colloidal properties. The studies on solubilization and cytotoxicity in vitro proved the potential of PPEs for drug delivery applications.


The actual problem in medicine is a phenomenon of antibiotic resistance, therefore, it is expedient to develop and introduce new antibiotics or to improve the transport of already known antibiotics into the cell. PEGylating is the one of the most successful ways of improving of the delivery of therapeutic molecules to the cell, such as proteins, oligonucleotides and other biomolecules. Thus, it is promising to introduce PEG fragments into the structure of antibiotics with the preservation of their biological activity.

Сурфактанти на основі піромелітової кислоти

Взаємодією піромелітового діангідриду з поліетиленгліколями з різною довжиною
етиленоксидного ланцюга в присутності піридину як каталізатора одержано нові
поверхнево-активні естери піромелітової кислоти. Синтезовані сполуки охарак-
теризовані ІЧ та 1H ПМР спектроскопією, елементним аналізом та аналізом на вміст
функційних груп. Обчислено значення гідрофільно-ліпофільного балансу одержаних
речовин та визначено критичні концентрації міцелоутворення. Зміна довжини
поліетиленгліколевих фрагментів та співвідношення вихідних реагентів на стадії

Synthesis and Selfassambling of Amphiphilic Oligoesters Based on Pyromellitic Acid

The method for synthesis of a new class of amphiphilic oligoesters of pyromellitic acid is developed. As hydrophilic fragments polyethylene glycols or polyethylene glycol mono methyl ethers were used, as lipophilic ones – primary fatty alcohols or cholesterol. The structure of the synthesized oligoesters was confirmed by IR- and PMR-spectroscopy. The oligoesters could solubilize water-insoluble substances, for example such effective antitumor lipophilic drug as curcumin.