
New approaches to remuneration of civil servants in Ukraine

Problem setting. The issue of renumeration has always been and is relevant, since salary is not only an important motivating factor for an employee, but also a source of livelihood for him/her and his/her family, a means of satisfying most needs. Undoubtedly, the key to a high-quality civil service is the current system of incentives, and rewards that encourage civil servants to fully realize their potential in the performance of professional duties.

Implementation of criminal justice by jury courts in Ukraine: current state and development prospects

Annotation. The article examines the problematic issues of the implementation of the institution of the jury trial in Ukraine, the current state of the implementation of criminal justice by the jury trial, the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the domestic legislative mechanism of the activity of the jury trial, ways of improving the national legal system within the limits of the implementation of justice by the jury trial, and the possibility of implementing foreign experience in reforming the judicial system in Ukraine.

Specific features of public involvement and digitalization of services when reforming public administration during the war

Formulation of the problem. Reforming of the public administration begun with Ukraine’s independence, starting with the collapse of the Soviet system, and up until now, when decentralization gradually forms an effective system of interaction between authorities at all levels. However, political and economic crises, pandemics and war force scientists and practitioners to look for survival mechanisms.

Judicial reform in Ukraine: european integration approaches

The article is devoted to the study of the need to reform the judiciary in Ukraine as an opportunity for further European integration of the state.

An analysis of the stages of reform that took place from 1991 to 2015 to date and highlights their positive and negative consequences.

To clearly understand the research topic, a distinction was made between the concepts of "reform", "reform", "judiciary", "judiciary", "judiciary" and "judicial system", using the rules of current legislation and different views of scholars.

Legal education reform: foreign experience and ukrainian realities

The article analyzes the foreign experience reforming legal education and defined the prospects of its implementation in Ukraine. It has been found that the use of international experience in the learning process becomes particularly relevant with the development of postmodernism, when the company moves to a new historical synthesis forms with the state. After reviewing certain aspects of legal education of international experience proved that it will contribute to more active implementation in the domestic legal practice these developments.

United nations security council under modern conditions: on the problem of reform options search

The authors review activities of the United Nations Security Council as a guarantor of international peace and security with broad powers to influence infringers of the international law (the right to apply sanctions and use military force against violators of peace and security at one’s own discretion). The article states that at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century, the UN Security Council was powerless to perform its functions and duties to safeguard international peace and security, as well as to resolve a number of large-scale armed conflicts.