
Бактерицидні гідрогелеві матеріали і м’які контактні лінзи на їхній основі

Розроблено гідрогелевий полімерний матеріал із бактерицидними властивостями
на основі кополімерів 2-гідроксіетилметакрилату з полівінілпіролідоном для м’яких
контактних лінз. Досліджено закономірності одержання кополімерів реакцією
прищепленої кополімеризації, яка відбувається через стадію комплексоутворення між
реагентами. Встановлено взаємозв’язок між константою комплексоутворення, кінетич-
ними параметрами реакції полімеризації і структурними параметрами сітки копо-

Структурні характеристики хімічно відновленого нікелю як наповнювача полімерних гідрогелів

Методами сканувальної електронної мікроскопії, седиментаційного та рентгено-
структурного аналізу досліджено структурні характеристики порошків нікелю,
отриманих хімічним осадженням з водних розчинів. Доведено можливість одержання
порошку металу одночасно з формуванням полімерної матриці на основі кополімерів
полівінілпіролідону з 2-гідроксіетилметакрилатом. Експериментально встановлено
можливість регулювання в широких межах гранулометричного складу та структури
нікелевого наповнювача і, відповідно, властивостей композиційних полімерних мате-

Film hydrogels on the basis of polyvinylpyrrolidone copolymers with regulated sorption-desorption characteristics

The hydrogel film composites of biomedical purpose based on copolymers of polyvinylpyrrolidone with 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate have been synthesized. The influence of filler nature, quantity and composition on the regularities of obtaining, structure and properties of hydrogels have been determined. Synthesized hydrogel composites are recommended to be used for the controlled drug release systems.

The peculiarities of the polyvinylpyrrolidone copolymers synthesis for contact lenses

The research results of the hydrogels synthesis rules on the basis of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate-polyvinylpyrrolidone copolymers and effective ways of adjusting of their proper¬ties are given. Synthesized copolymers appeared to be effective materials for production of hydrophilic contact lenses.

Hydrogels Penetration and Sorption Properties in the Substances Release Controlled Processes

The crosslinked copolymers of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate with polyvinylpyrrolidone as granules and membranes have been synthesized and their penetration and sorption-desorption properties have been investigated. The model of mass-transfer from the solid soluble surface through the hydrogel shell has been suggested. The developed materials are able to create encapsulated and granular polymer forms of drugs prolonged release.

Synthesis of new conducting materials on the basis of polymer hydrogels

The new conducting polymer hydrogels on the basis of co-polymers of hydroxyethylenemethacrylate and polyvinylpyrrolidone with different nature non-organic fillers have been developed. The dependence of obtained materials electric characteristics on synthesis conditions, quantity and nature of powder filler, moisture content, ambient temperature and magnetic field action have been determined.

Sorption Properties of Materials Based on Polyvinylpyrrolidone Copolymers

Sorption properties of polyvinylpyrrolidone copolymers regarding to different acid-base indicators, as well as heparin and iodine have been investigated. The amount of sorption active centers of synthesized copolymers depends upon synthesis conditions, namely upon temperature and initiator amount, and is determined by the nature of sorbates and copolymers functional groups.

Matrix Polymerization of 2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylate in the Presence of Polyvinylpyrrolidone in Permanent Magnetic Field

The influence of a constant magnetic field on the polymerization kinetics and structural parameters of a hydrogel network on the basis of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate and polyvinylpyrrolidone compositions has been investigated. It has been shown that the magnetic field activates matrix polymerization of such compositions and assists in structure formation of copolymers with minor cross-link density. The efficiency of the developed polymeric materials used for production of ultrathin contact lenses has been confirmed.

Peculiarities of Filled Porous Hydrogels Production and Properties

The peculiarities of porous hydrogel compositions formed on the basis of copolymers of methacrylic esters and polyvinylpyrrolidone with mineral and organic filler have been investigated. In the composite structure silver particles are obtained via argentum nitrate reduction by tertiary nitrogen of polyvinylpyrrolidone. The effect of filler nature and amount, argentums nitrate amount and structure of polymer-monomer composition on the polymerization rate and properties of composites has been examined.

Regularities of Films Forming on the Basis of Polyamide-Polyvinylpyrrolidone Mixtures

Modification of polyamide-6 by polyvinylpyrrolidone with molecular mass of 12000±2000 has been carried out using their mixing in formic acid solution followed by solvent evaporation. The possibility of films permolecular structure control, physico-mechnical and thermophysical properties by treatment conditions after their formation has been established.