
Compositions of Arylalicyclic Copolyimide with Alkylated Monthmorillonite

The results of studies on the preparation and study of the properties of composite materials based on compositions of arylalicyclic copolyimide and alkylated montmorillonite (AMM) modified with polyethylene glycol to increase the affinity of a natural mineral to polymer matrix are presented in the work. It was found that an increase in the compatibility of composition’s components is due to the addition to copolyimide solution of previously prepared mixture of alkylated montmorillonite in 5 % and 2 % polyethylene glycol solution in methylpyrrolidone.

Рrocessing of selected properties of extruded recycled plastics

The aim of the study is to analyze the physical processing properties and morphology of recycled plastics. The scope of work includes conducting the processing of primary PVC and recycled PVC and testing mechanical properties such as: tensile strength, stress, elongation and impact resistance, hardness. The scope of work also includes shrinkage testing of primary compacts and structural  investigation of the morphology of materials. The technology for producing the recycled composition is based on the extrusion and compression technology of the compositions obtained.

Технологія синтезу термітних жароміцних сталей з карбідним зміцненням

The possibility of synthesis of heat-resistant steels metallothermy are set as a result of theoretical and experimental work. The influence of the method of synthesis on metallothermic features of the microstructure and phase composition of the thermite steel was found. The mechanical and service properties and their dependence on temperature and the effect on the properties of the alloy grain thermite metal are set for thermite synthesized analogues of industrial heat-resistant steel grades “40Х15Н7Г7Ф2МС” and “37Х12Н8Г8МФБ”

Синтез сахаридовмісних сполук з тіірановими групами на основі епоксисахаридів

In this article the methods of synthesis of novel saccharide containing with reactive epoxide and tieranic groups have been developed. Obtained compounds seem to be prospective intermediates for cration of new surface active and biocompatible compounds. Розроблено методи одержання нових сахаридовмісних сполук з реакційноздатними епокси- та тіірановими групами. На основі таких сполук можна одержувати різноманітні похідні, які мають поверхнево-активні та біоцидні властивості.  

Хінгідронний метод очищення газів від сірководню. Властивості поглинальних розчинів.

In this article the solubility of components in quinhidron absorbing solutions was studied. The effect of concentration quinhyndron, sodium carbonate, thiosulphate and bicarbonate on absorptive properties of solutions was investigated. Optimal solutions are recommended. Оцінено розчинність компонентів у хінгідронних поглинальних розчинах. Досліджено вплив концентрацій хінгідрону, натрію карбонату, тіосульфату і гідрогенкарбонату на властивості поглинальних розчинів. Рекомендовано оптимальні склади розчинів.  

Синтез нових типів сульфуровмісних похідних моносахаридів

The novel sugar-containing thiosulfoesters were prepared from the natural compound – glycidylgalactose. The synthesis techniques of arylsulfonic acids sugar-containing thioesters were developed and worked out on the basis of the model compound – 2-butoxymethylthiirane. 
Синтезовано нові сахаридовмісні тіосульфоестери на основі сполуки природного походження – гліцидилгалактози. Методики синтезу сахаридовмісних тіоестерів аренсульфонових кислот розроблено та відпрацьовано на основі модельної сполуки – 2-бутоксиметилтіїрану.

Biodegradation of Polymeric Material and Adhesive Properties of Cells of Microorganisms

The chemical composition of cell membranes of microscopic fungi destroying polymeric materials is analyzed. The concentrations of the major chemical components – phospholipids, glycans, and amines – in nine types of fungi are estimated. The measured ratios of these components provide an estimate of the hydrophobic properties of conidia, controlling microorganism adhesion to polymer surface and subsequent degradation of polymeric materials.

Structural Conformation of Polytetrafluoroethylene Composite Matrix

Enhancement of physical and mechanical properties and structuring activity of polytetrafluoroethylene as matrix of composites by means of mechanical activation is shown. Operating modes of mechanical activation equipment are defined, in which the service properties of PTFE are maximized. The effect of mechanical activation technology on restructuring and change of morphology and supramolecular structure of PTFE is detected for the first time.