

The object of analysis is strategic management of Youth Non-governmental Organization (YNGO) activities (in particular, Student NGO). At this publication we have purpose to show the results of a study of strategic opportunities and options for formation of effective strategic moves in the development of SNGOs. It is important to display different real strategic alternatives at the example of several SNGOs which represent the Western region of Ukraine.


In the face of global challenges, which are constantly and sometimes sufficiently monitored as a result of increased competition in foreign markets, there is a need for a qualitatively new acceleration of the development of the Ukrainian economy and a double growth of the domestic gross product through the use of modern scientific and technological advancements, on an innovative basis.


The article deals with memes as expressive rhetorical resource in media representations of the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war and military conflict. It explores textual slogans of Russian propaganda that serve to legitimize external aggression. When these units are mirrored as intertextual material in the Ukrainian counter-discourse, they become critical targets for deconstructing fakes and decontamination of manipulative programs. The network of memetic signs is subordinated to the task of symbolic identification of conflict sides and their objectives.

Method of decision-making the proactive project management of organizational development

Modern requirements to competitiveness, especially in the leading industries, set the priority of the development of enterprises in the energy sector.  Projecting the organizational development of power supplying companies are considered as a complex problem, which has the various technical and organizational components, the implementation of which involves non-trivial approaches and increased costs.  Therefore, to manage these projects is advisable to use a proactive approach and develop the specially adapted models and methods within the proactive management.  In order to ensure decision-

Тhe peculiarities of conflicts representation in mass media

The article deals with the journalist covering of conflict processes. The conflict is regarded as the important content- and form-driving element of journalistic texts. The author analyzes how the field of conflict is represented with content, genre and plot-compositional means of journalism. The peculiarities of media coverage of such parameters of conflict processes as structure, typology, reasons, dynamics, and functions are clarified.

Non-alignment strategy: politics and theory (Research Article)

The complex study of the state non-alignment strategy is done. The theoretical and methodological basis of non-alignment strategy is analyzed, the problem of definition this phenomenon is investigated, the main aspects of neutrality strategy tendencies are clarified. The historical aspects of non-alignment policies are developed.

Formation of positive corporate culture of organization

In the process of functioning of the organization there are not predictable situations, the result of which is the uncertainty of further strategic development. At the same time, most organizations are experiencing processes for the formation of new rules, procedures and standards of conduct. In other words, we are talking about the formation of a corporate culture. At the same time, the latter is an effective form of adaptation of the organization to the new conditions of management.

Game-theoretic approach to optimization of innovative activities of managing subjects

Methodological approaches to optimize innovation, production of improved products by business entities are developed. Methodological approaches to optimize innovation, production of improved products by business entities are developed. Practical issues of production due to the proposed optimal strategy are presented. The optimal variant for the production of improved products is calculated. This allows them to obtain greater profitability through implementation of products.

Strategic Segmentation of Customers in the Market of Primary Real Estate

The authors emphasize the special significance of customer service on the primary market of residential real estate. There is carried out segmentation of the primary real estate market with the account of such a criterion as a residential housing class. There are singled out the following segments of this market: premium-segment, business-segment, comfort- segment, and economy-segment. The features of each market segment are described.

By creating a professional – competent police officers in the context of civil society

In the scientific study of the main ways of formation of professional and competent police
officers in the context of civil society. Problems of professional training of employees and
departments of the MIA of Ukraine, special attention is paid to the development of new forms
and methods of qualitative success of the police officers