
Tendencies of decentralization in public administration: current state and development prospects

The article deals with the current state and prospects for developing decentralization in public administration by transferring managerial functions and central authorities' powers to the local administration level. The article emphasizes that despite being tested by war, Ukrainian decentralization received an impeccable assessment from the European Commission, which preceded granting our country the candidate status for the European Union membership. The history of decentralization is analyzed, and successive stages are singled out.

Theoretical aspects of public management of spatial planning at the local level

Problem setting. Decentralization reforms in Ukraine require a new way of looking at the implementation of public management mechanisms in the country as a whole. The challenges and opportunities arising during the reforms create a necessity for new mechanisms that can be applied at the local level of public management. Such necessities result primarily from the existing system of public management in the area of spatial planning, which currently focuses mainly on the state and regional level.

Local self-government reform and decentralization processes in Ukraine: socioeconomic aspect

The nature is determined and the main aspects of the reformed system of local public authorities are analysed. The administrative aspects of ensuring socioeconomic development of administrative-territorial entities are studied. The necessity of conceptual rethinking the present role, tasks and functions of the territorial community and self-government bodies in guaranteeing the dynamic, balanced development of territories and increasing people’s standard of living is substantiated.

Public policy in the field of nursing: structural-functional aspect

Based on the structural-functional analysis of the healthcare public policy, the author proposes to distinguish its component — public policy in the field of nursing. The article outlines the essence and types of mechanisms for the implementation of public policy in the field of nursing at the regional level. The author suggests schematic reflection of the statistic-dynamic content of the process of nursing management at the regional level.

Coherencing the competences of local government authorities and executive bodies in the context of public administration

Problem setting. An important prerequisite and key to successful implementation of the strategic course for the implementation of European standards of living in Ukraine and its entry into the leading positions in the world is the reform of public administration and decentralization in order to create an effective, transparent, open, flexible structure of public administration, transition from the centralized model of government in the state, ensuring the capacity of local self-government and building an effective system of territorial organization of government in Ukraine.

Marketing instruments for attracting investments in territorial communities

Problem setting. Ukraine has significant regional imbalances in attracting investment. The most attractive for investors is Kyiv city, where almost 50% of foreign investments are accumulated. At the same time, other regions remain unattractive for investors. The unsatisfactory situation in the regions is a reflection of unfavorable investment climate and requires the use of new tools to attract investment. The use of marketing tools can stimulate the inflow of investment into small cities and communities.

Humanitarian orientation of the social policy in conditions of decentralization

Problem setting. Modern democratic development of Ukraine is accompanied by the emergence of acute socio-economic challenges directly related to the quality of life of the population and the necessity for constant attention to them by the state. Under such conditions, the importance of social policy increases, and it is highly important to respond appropriately to the deterioration of people's social security.

Decentralization of Power in European Countries: the Experience of Polish and French Reforms as a Conceptual Basis for the Organizational Structure of Ukraine's Governing Bodies

The reform of the state power, both at the level of local self-government and at the level of the state executive authorities, cannot be carried out without reviewing the basic legislative framework, Amendments to the current legislation and the development and adoption of completely new regulations, which will be the legislative basis for the quality implementation of the public administration reform.

Implementation of international legal standards of local democracy in the process of decentralization of local authorities in Ukraine

The article analyzes the problematic moments of the implementation of international legal requirements in the system of implementation of the national state educational policy. The analysis of the separate legal acts, which form the basis of international and European standards, with the aim of their implementation in the Ukrainian legislation, in particular in the aspect of decentralization of public authority on the ground.


The article states that the reform of local self-government and territorial organization of power, is the creation of united territorial communities in Ukraine on the basis of decentralization, conceptual principles of which were approved in 2014, and practical implementation began in 2015, was among the most effective and significant proclaimed strategic reforms.