
Класифікація інтерактивних взаємодій користувача з програмним забезпеченням

The paper shows the version of systematized classification of user interactions with software as a hierarchical structure to speed up the type selection in the implementation and development of computer-aided design of user interfaces.

Aspects manifestation of uncertainty in the process of developing decision support systems

This article describes the classification and approaches to the construction of DSS that take into account various aspects of the uncertainty of the development of DSS. Features of the classification were proposed and described. Generalized classification of DSS was improved. The analysis of the types of architecture, architecture reviewed information resource decision support systems, based on the principles of building a data warehouse.


The actuality of the present paper is substantiated by the need in preservation the landscape and biological diversity of nature-protected territories to achieve the ecologically optimal structure of land use as one of the main targets of their sustainable development. The paper describes methodological approaches to analysis of the nature-protected territory landscape diversity, presents the landscape metrics, calculated using the FRAGSTATS software as well as images of their spatial distribution.

Data classification of spectrum analysis using neural network

This article provides the comparison of libraries neural networks. Based on this analysis was determined to develop a neural network for classification of spectra based on Encog library, because it implemented many components and gives the best result with a small number of items for training. Showed the architecture of neural networks for data classification of spectral analysis.

Functional Purpose and Approaches to Building Account Plans in the Historical Retrospective

The contents and function of the account plan in the organization of accounting, principles of systematization of classification groups of accounts in it are disclosed. The historical origins of the plan of accounts in accounting science and its evolution are presented. The key factors of influence on the principles and basic principles of constructing an account plan at different historical stages of accounting science are analyzed. The reasonableness of the scientific classification of accounts and disadvantages when forming accounts in the historical past has been analyzed.

Проектування системи підтримки прийняття рішень виборця у вигляді веб-сайта

This general description of the decision support system for the voter as a We site We describe the principles of the DSS to the voter through the use of classification approach. Shows the process of development control and rights management for users of the Web site.

Modern interpretation, composition and features of enterprise managerial reporting formation

Reveals the importance of management accounting in upravlinnni modern enterprise, its
functionality in managerial concepts. The article is devoted to the consideration of some
outstanding scientists approaches to the interpretation and purpose of “managerial reporting”
notion. The expediency of the proposed “intra-corporate managerial reporting” term using is
grounded, in order to reflect the objective of its further using with a view to put into practice
the carried information and meaning. The classification of managerial reporting presented by

Self-organizing map and its learning in the fuzzy clustering-classification tasks

In the paper, combined self-learning and learning method of self-organizing map (SOM-LVQ) is proposed. Such method allows to increase quality of information processing under condition of overlapping classes due to rational choice of learning rate parameter and introducing special procedure of fuzzy reasoning in the clustering-classification process, which occurs both with external learning signal (“supervised”), and without one (“unsupervised”).