: pp. 47-53
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The  use  of  state-of-the-art  technologies  for  the  standardization  of  work  related  to  environmental monitoring,  technological  processes,  urban  and  rural  infrastructures  requires  an  entire  system  of metrological  supervision. The drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle. The purpose of such systems of autonomous action, intended for flight and their performance of some operations can be potentially dangerous to humans. With the use of appropriate electronic equipment one can determine the level of air pollution and conduct the research. Aero monitoring is carried out by specialists, managing drones at an altitude of up  to  500 meters  and within  a  radius  of  one  and  a  half  kilometers. The  precision  of  the  results  is  provided  by  the  advanced technologies of meteorological measurements. To use drones during diagnostics, it is necessary to solve technical problems related to  the methodology  of  this equipment application  as well  as  the drones application These  are  the determination  and setting  the height of obtaining images, the nominal range of moving speeds of drones for obtaining images, the nominal angles of obtaining images of plantations, the time of exposure of the image, the magnitude of image exposure correction. 

This paper examines the history of creation, the legal aspects of use, the main types of unmanned aerial vehicles and their classification characteristics,  their hardware and software, and an overview of  the unmanned aerial vehicles manufacturers. The structure of  the unmanned  aviation  system,  the  functions of  its  individual units and development  trends are  also  analyzed. The main  problems  of  ensuring  the  communication  channels  reliability  and  ensuring  flight  safety  using  the  control  system virtualization  are  set  out. Based  on  the  conducted  analysis  it  is  proposed  to  provide metrological  support  for  unmanned  aerial vehicles and recommendations for video and photography using navigation equipment.

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