
Stages and measures of crisis management at the enterprise

The instability of the global economic environment leads to the formation of crisis phenomena, which negatively affect the activities of enterprises and necessitate the implementation of crisis management.

The purpose of the work is to study and develop the stages of conducting crisis management at the enterprise based on the identification of the type of crisis and its phases, which will enable the selection of the correct methods of combating and prevention measures.

Modeling the financial flows impact on the diagnosis of an enterprise's economic security level

The article presents theoretical and applied aspects of modeling the financial flows' impact on the diagnosis of the economic security level of the enterprise with the main components of security.  The functioning of enterprise's financial flow management models and the economic security level diagnostics applied models (the model of structural and functional diagnostics and the model of simulation modeling) are evaluated.  The economic security loan repayment influence model and a set of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of financial flows are considered.

Online insulation monitoring system for high voltage bushings 330 kV

Insulating structures of high-voltage electrical equipment are exposed to electromagnetic fields, atmospheric factors, natural aging processes and more. The consequence of this is the deterioration of their dielectric properties, damage to the insulating structure, which often leads to explosions, fires, injuries to staff. Therefore, the use of informative, reliable and safe diagnostic systems is an important operational task.

Функціональна діагностика стану серцево-судинної системи в контексті сучасних інформаційних систем

The article is devoted to the problem of quality assurance and reliability of functional diagnostics of
the cardiovascular system on the basis of heart rate control. A new approach to the implementation
of diagnostic procedures in real time with the use of modern information systems as an opportunity
to increase their efficiency. The multichannel system of registration of heart rate defined for
continuous measurement of pulse in real time is presented. Before using in a multi-channel system

Regression analysis of the performance of asynchronous electric motors on the basis of support vector machine (SVM)

The subject of the article is relevant, since the proposed method for performing a regression analysis of the operation of asynchronous motors does not have special requirements to the accuracy of measuring the quantities used in the regression analysis and to the volume of a training sample, so it can be used in modern embedded diagnostic systems.


An article focuses on the development, research and implementation of algorithmic, hard- and software devices for controlling and diagnosing complex dynamic industrial objects. In the course of the research, the industrial object was selected, its main technical characteristics were determined, its base units were examined, and the most vulnerable sites were identified. There were the heaters of the heating zones, which correspond to the infra-frequency processes, and the bearings of the rolling gear reducer, which correspond to the high-frequency processes.


Unfortunately, modern medicine,  unfortunately,  is  not without  errors. Therefore  there  exists  a  probability  of unpredictable complications, establishment of an incorrect diagnosis, and in consequence and improper treatment. When dealing with various medical problems (collecting information about the patient, diagnosis, choice of solution tactics), the doctor faces the problem of decision - making. At the same time, the requirements for the accuracy of the diagnosis and its reliability are constantly increasing.


The communication system develops in the direction of improvement of communication quality indicators, causing the corresponding complication of products that is not conjugated with the improvement of their reliability. Despite the successes of the technical diagnostics, the correlation between the duration of defect localization and the elimination of the failure (for diagnostics it takes up to 80% of the average recovery time) is observed.

Neural networks as a means of improving the metrological characteristics of metal structures, taking interphase layers into account

The problem of inspection, control of parameters and diagnostics of the state of surface metal layers of underground pipelines with consideration of influence of corrosive environment is considered.

Diagnostics of Investment Attractiveness of Business Entities in Conditions of European Integration

The article substantiates the relevance of unification, harmonization and development of the theoretical and applied base of diagnostics of investment attractiveness of enterprises in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine. The theoretical and legislative principles of diagnostics of investment attractiveness of enterprises are critically analyzed. Based on the study of domestic and foreign diagnostic practices, as well as the challenges of European integration, it is proposed to apply a comprehensive approach to assessing the investment attractiveness of enterprises.