: pp. 16-22
State Enterprise "Lviv Scientific and Production Center for Standardization, Metrology and Certification" (Lvivstandardmetrology State Enterprise)
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Unfortunately, modern medicine,  unfortunately,  is  not without  errors. Therefore  there  exists  a  probability  of unpredictable complications, establishment of an incorrect diagnosis, and in consequence and improper treatment. When dealing with various medical problems (collecting information about the patient, diagnosis, choice of solution tactics), the doctor faces the problem of decision - making. At the same time, the requirements for the accuracy of the diagnosis and its reliability are constantly increasing. The scientific approach is the main tool in the process of finding the truth, and, consequently, in the decision making process.

According to the modern model of clinical decision making, the competence of the physician is determined by knowledge of  the mechanisms of diseases and clinical experience, the ability  to evaluate and use scientific  information in practice. Clinical laboratory diagnostics is a special industry of providing medical services. The results of the laboratory examination of the patient are based on about 80 % of  the  information of  the necessary  clinician  to  confirm or  establish a diagnosis. The  strategy  for  the development of  clinical  laboratory diagnosis  should be subordinated  to  the general  concept of health  care development  and  its diagnostic doctrine.  It  is  about  the  consistent structuring of high  -  tech production, which  includes  clinically  and  economically sound actions with appropriate organizational solutions, staffing and material equipment, and unified documentation. Management decisions in medicine can have a significant impact on both the overall financial health of a medical institution, the results of the indicators of the treatment prophylaxis, and the lives of many people who work there and receive assistance. Management work is necessarily linked to decision-making, because it is the choice of a particular action from the set of possible options. The need for decision-making  is  the  responsibility of  the management of  the organization management,  from  the  formulation of goals and to their achievement.

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