
Universal mathematical model of asynchronous machine as an element microgrid in smart grid

An universal mathematical model of an induction machine (IM) has been constructed, taking into account the saturation of the main magnetic circuit of its magnetic core and the active power losses.  The proposed approach to IM modeling expands the abilities of MATLAB / Simulink environment for analysis of the electric power supply systems (microgrid in the smart grid) with the nonlinear elements and dynamic load in abnormal, asymmetric and fault regimes.

Modeling and control of an electromechanical system with a permanent magnet generator and a voltage source converter

In the paper simulation dynamic models for the analysis of characteristics and transients of electromechanical system using a permanent magnet electric generator (PMG) connected to a variable speed fixed pitch wind turbine (WT) and a voltage source converter (VSC) mathematical models are developed. The system supplies a direct current (dc) resistive load through a controlled switch.

Modelling and simulation of pneumatic system operation of mobile robot

Problem statement. Mobile robots are currently of significant interest among researchers and designers all over the world. One of the prospective drives of such robots is equipped by a pneumatically operated orthogonal system. The processes of development and improvement of orthogonal walking robots are significantly constrained because of the lack of an open-access comprehensive scientific and theoretical framework for calculating and designing of the energy-efficient and environmental-friendly pneumatic walking drives.

Design and operational peculiarities of four-degree-of-freedom double-legged robot with pneumatic drive and turning mechanism

Problem statement. Mobile robots are of significant interest among scientists and designers during the last several decades. One of the prospective drives of such robots is based on pneumatically operated walking (stepping) system with no use of electric, heat, magnetic or other types of energy. This allows the use of pneumatically-driven robots in the cases when the use of other energy sources is prohibited (e.g., in some gaseous or fluid mediums).

Implementation of Fpga-based Pseudo-random Words Generator

A hardware implementation of pseudo-random bit generator based on FPGA chips, which use the principle of reconfigurability that allows the modernization of their algorithms and on-line replacement of the internal structure (reconfiguration) in the process of functioning have been considered in the paper. Available DSP blocks embedded into the structure of FPGA chips allow efficient hardware implementation of the pseudorandom bit generator through the implementation of the basic operations of multiplication with accumulation on the gate level.

Structural and kinematic analysis of pantograph-type manipulator with three degrees of freedom

Problem statement. The processes of development and improvement of autonomous mobile robots are significantly constrained because of the lack of an open-access comprehensive scientific and theoretical framework for calculating and designing of autonomous mobile robotic systems Purpose. The main objective of the paper consists in carrying out kinematic analysis and motion simulation of pantograph-type manipulator with three degrees of freedom. Methodology.

Simulation of micro-cutting in the process of finishing anti-friction non-abrasive treatment

The influence of the shapes and sizes of microroughnesses on the creation of favorable conditions for micro-cutting of antifriction material by modeling the contact interaction of microroughnesses with the treated surface during the finishing antifriction non-abrasive treatment (FANT) is studied in the work. It is shown that the formation of the anti-friction coating FANT depends on the conditions of contact interaction of the tool with the treated surface, and the shape and size of the microroughness determine the quality of the resulting coating.

Simulation of globoid worm gear cutting by continuous forming method with disk milling cutters

Aim. The simulation of forming process for tooth flanks of worm gears for globoid worm gears by continuous forming method using disk milling cutters for development scientific well-founded recommendations about technological ensuring for manufacture of globoid worm-wheels. Method. The researches are based on kinematic analysis methods of classical mechanics, differential and analytic geometry, theory of gear wheels, theory of forming surfaces of parts by cutting.

Substantiation of structure and parameters of pneumatic system of mobile robot with orthogonal walking drive

Problem statement. Mobile robots have awoken a large interest between scientists and designers in the last few years. One of the prospective drives of such robots is based on pneumatically operated system with no use of electric, heat, magnetic or other types of energy. Purpose. The main purpose of this research consists in substantiation of structure and parameters of pneumatic system of mobile robot with orthogonal walking drive.

Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Direct Reduction of Iron Ore in a Moving Bed Reactor by the Single Particle Model

In this work, a mathematical model is developed for simulating the behavior of a counter-current moving bed reactor, in which the reduction of porous iron ore pellets to sponge iron is simulated. Simultaneous mass and energy balances within both the solid particles and the reactor, will lead to a set of coupled ordinary differential equations. The iron ore reduction kinetics was modeled with a single particle model. The model was able to satisfactorily reproduce the data of Gilmore Steel Corporation (USA).