
Effect of water trees ′string of pearls′ configuration on the distribution of electric field, current and stressed volume in XLPE insulation

The processes originating in local areas of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation of extra-high voltage cables during water tree germination between closely disposed water micro-inclusions in insulation have been studied. According to current experimental data, water trees in XLPE have not solid cylindrical shape, as it was thought previously, but they consist of closely spaced nanoscale inclusions of spheroid form and nanoscale thin water channels between them (so-called "string of pearls" confi­guration).

The analysis and modeling of queues forming and processing in the network devices

The investigation has covered buffer resource and queue management as main and the most important network traffic parameter and access control and overload mechanism. Network devices interaction model can performed by three levels:
-    physical layer;
-    protocols layer;
-    queues consolidating two previous levels.

Розв’язання задач оптимального розміщення об’єктів методом імітаційного моделювання

This paper deals with questions of construction of mathematical and simulation models of optimal placement of objects, formalization of tasks and building placement algorithm solving problems of optimum allocation of objects by simulation.

Прогнозування стану техногенної ситуації за допомогою імітаційної моделі, що базується на багатовимірному рівнянні дифузії

Article describes application of multidimensional diffusion-based simulation to forecasting of the state of technogenic situation. Ability to increase stability of the proposed solution for technogenic situations that can be described with four or less parameters is shown.

Моделювання процесу управління ризиками у мультипроектному середовищі

The paper proposes a method for modeling risk management in multi-project environment. Simulation was conducted and the example was provided in the article.

The features of design route creation in the gridallted system

This paper is devoted to the features of design route creation in the GridALLTED mathematical simulation complex. Task flow and route creation subsystem’s main functions are given, the task route description format used for workflow building-up and executing by means of grid- and web-services is considered. The future investigation direction is denoted.

Release of Capsulated Mineral Fertilizers Components. Process Simulation

Theoretical investigations concerning the compounds release out of globular capsulated particles within a wide variable range of criteria diffusive complexes have been examined. The effect of capsulated particle size on the process kinetics has been determined. The simplified analytical dependencies have been obtained to calculate the parameters of particles coating for the main soluble nitrogen fertilizer in order to ensure the necessary active time.