національна ідентичність

Current Global Problems of Ethno-National Policy of Ukraine: on the Example of Legal Regulation of the Status of National Minorities

Annotation. The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of ethno-national policy in
modern conditions of the development of statehood and points to the prospects of improving the
legislation in the context of ensuring the proper legal status of national minorities.
The article examines the main problems in the field of ethno-national policy of Ukraine and legal
regulation of the status of national minorities. The author emphasizes the absence of a single strategy for

Ukrainian constitutionalism in the conditions of war: the struggle for values, rights and identity

Abstracts. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the functioning mechanism of the constitutional legal order under martial law, in particular the means and methods by which it can protect constitutional values, rights and identity from internal and external threats, and also offers practical recommendations for preventing the possible involution of constitutionalism in the post-war period. 

The phenomenon of the nation and naciogenesis in the context of (national) state formation

The issues of the nation's phenomenon are covered, in particular, the definitions of this concept prevailing in modern legal science. The opinion is expressed that they are reduced to some of its most common meanings as identical to the concept of the population of the state; as an ethno-social community characterized by the inseparable unity of socio-economic and cultural characteristics; as all citizens of the state, regardless of their (national or social) origin, language and / or religion.


Understanding the tradition, innovation and national identity of examples of wooden temple buildings, in particular, Ukrainian churches, certain trends are identified, which in their essence become the main ones, regarding the intensity of development in temple construction. The factors of tradition and innovation are identified as important mediums for establishing the national identity of the image of wooden temple buildings, and their expression in the modern temple-building process of creating a Christian shrine.

Національна ідентичність архітектури українських церков у традиції та новаторстві їх вираження

У дослідженні розглянуто чинники традиції та новаторства в архітектурі української церкви. Вони слугують підґрунтям для виявлення, усвідомлення та ідентифікації феномену національної ідентичності у формотворенні образу українського храму-церкви як взірця творчої думки і спадщини українців.

Gymnasium Education of Yevhen Konovalets

The article researched the complete secondary education of Yevhen Konovalets. It was explored that he raised the universal values, skills and abilities of the subjects of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and what else formed the national identity. We received an educational portrait of E. Konovalets, which is typical for almost everyone who influenced and determined with him historical processes in the Ukrainian lands in the 1910s—1930s. Especially when it comes to the link of secondary education — the gymnasium, as well as with the Ukrainian language of instruction.

Inter-race as an expression of law of the ukrainian people to own their national identity and statehood (last quarter XVI – first half XVII centuries)

Inter-confessional factor is seen as a form of social and political struggle of contemporary intellectuals for defending the rights of the Ukrainian people for their national identity and national statehood. It is noted that during the polemic fighting the concept "Rus" (that is- Ukrainian) and "Orthodoxy" acquire the same meaning. There is an opinion that the idea of the rule in the Ukrainian society of the spiritual power -of power of the Orthodox Church was only possible in conditions of contemporary form of the national state.