
Особливості побудови програмного забезпечення системи моніторингу навколишнього середовища

Developed algorithms and software modules analyzing system involving two modes of operation (training or monitoring), two types of monitoring (search for a given substance or recognition known), the use of which depends on the intensity and destabilizing factors control the duration requirements.

Legal research management in the field of environment: somemethodological remarks

Specific features of research management in the environmental sector, due to modern needs and intended primarily for practical and useful results is analyzed in the article. The necessity of complex research, application of comparative legal method is emphasized. Analysis of jurisprudence, including legal opinions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine as an indicator of
the real state of relation in the sphere of environmental protection is considered in the article.

The issue of environmental certification as a function of state government

The article is devoted to the complex research problems of environmental certification. By the analysis of scientific literature and legal dictionary the concept and characteristics of environmental certification have been defined. The concept of environmental certification to consolidate on the legislative level has been proposed, through the enactment of law about environmental certification.

Legal regulation of flora and fauna Ukraine through adaptation national legislation to EU law

This article examines some aspects of adaptation norms of national legislation with EUlegislation. The emphasis on the provisions of some legislative acts, characterized by the partial compliance with the EU directives on environmental protection. It notes that the difficulties in applying these rules arise not so much because of lack of clarity or other defects legislative techniques and, primarily, due to lack of awareness of the importance of environmental issues like conservation of habitats of certain species of flora.

Computerized systems for remote monitoring and diagnostics of electric power facilities

Construction and practical use of computerized systems for remote monitoring and diag­nostics of electric power facilities are discussed. The structure of information-measuring systems based on an unmanned aerial complex, that are designed to monitor thermal and nuclear power plants’ environment is exa­mined. The structure and algorithms of a multilevel sys­tem for monitoring and diagnostics of electric power fa­cilities’ equipment are discussed.

Методи боротьби з негативною дією білякритичних течій на навколишнє середовище

Results of information’s analysis about near-critical fluid flows are given. Controlling methods with negative influence of these flows on the environment are considered.

Key environmental factors and strategic choices of enterprises in Poland

In a market economy conditions resulting from the environment of Polish companies provide the framework and limits of their functioning. The rapidly evolving conditions, and evolving markets cause that companies undertake various adaptation measures in order to survive, cope with competition, to take the opportunities for development.

Conception of quality management of city environment of city

The basic concepts of quality of city environment are considered, going near the management of quality of city environment, state of city environment for today, lacks of management,  raising of task of quality management of city environment. The system of aims  of quality management of city environment, choice of indexes of quality on the basis of this system and conceptual model of quality management, is offered.

Determination of environmental risks in the operation of the rock dump and substantiation of directions for overcoming them (methodological aspect)

Risks that arise when creating a waste dump, its demolition or conversion are determined on the basis of the analysis of the ecological situation in the zone of the “waste dump – environment” system`s influence. Research into this problem and the authors` personal works enabled them to identify  the ways to overcome the negative impact of these processes on the environment implementing  eco-friendly technologies in the region

Cause-Effect Analysis of the Modern State in Production of Jet Fuels

The main methods of fuels for gas-turbine engines manufacturing are presented in the given article. Taking into account limitation of the world deposits of oil and other fossil fuels, the perspectives of various kinds of raw materials application for jet fuels production are discussed. Processes of raw materials extraction and processing, further manufacturing and use of jet fuels were analysed and their impact on environment was estimated.