
Problems of the institute of advocacy in the criminal process and its overcoming

In civilized democracies, the bar is an integral factor of the legal system and the main non-state institution for the protection of the individual, his rights and freedoms. In modern conditions, when the issue of effective reform of the legal system of the state, its approximation to European standards - the standards of countries with better legal awareness and legal culture, there are problematic issues of formation and development of legal aid as a guarantee of law and order in civil society in Ukraine.

The essence of declaration on human rights in criminal proceedings

In civilized democratic states, an advocate is an integral factor in the legal system and the main non-state institution for the protection of the individual, his rights and freedoms. Thus, the lawyer, in the fullest sense of the word, defines the right to legal protection or legal assistance provided by lawyers to those in need. Advocacy is an extremely important instrument of democracy, because in essence it is the organization of professional advocates and performs such a public function as protecting the fundamental rights of the individual.

Peculiarities of the human rights protection mechanism in criminal proceedings

Adequate legal protection in the criminal process plays a leading role, as it is an
extremely important and obligatory element of state and public development, and serves as the
basis for the formation of a democratic rule of law and civil society. Building a rule of law is
impossible without respecting the guarantees of human rights protection, without providing a
clear mechanism for the functioning of such a specific democratic institution, such as the bar.
The value of legal institutions that are called upon to protect human rights is growing

Legal nature of the office in the system of protection of human rights and freedom sand the citizen

In  civilized  democratic  states,  an  advocate  is  an  integral  factor  in  the  legal  system  and 
the  main  non-state  institution  for  the  protection  of  the  individual,  his  rights  and  freedoms. 
Thus,  the  lawyer,  in  the  fullest  sense  of  the  word,  defines  the  right  to  legal  protection  or  legal 
assistance  provided  by  lawyers  to  those  in  need.  Advocacy  is  an  extremely  important 
instrument  of  democracy,  because  in  essence  it  is  the  organization  of  professional  advocates 

Юридична діяльність у сфері економіки

Професіоналізм юриста найбільш повно і різносторонньо проявляється в
діяльності, поведінці та спілкуванні. Згідно з науковими джерелами, діяльність – це
активна взаємодія особи з навколишнім середовищем, у процесі якої людина виступає
як суб’єкт цілеспрямованої дії на об’єкт і тим самим задовольняє свої потреби.
Діяльність – специфічна форма ставлення до навколишнього світу і самого себе, що
проявляється в цілеспрямованій зміні і перетворенні світу та людської свідомості.