
Automatization of functions determination and productivity of terms in terminology systems

The essence of the problem is the complexity of the analysis of large-scale terminology systems containing hundreds or thousands of terms. To solve this problem it is suggested to use the method of network analysis proposed by E. F. Skorohodko. The method involves the representation of the terminology system in the form of a matrix and the separation of the initial, derivative and final terms, as well as the definition of their productivity.

До питання про прискорений вибір значення коефіцієнта кросинговера в задачах передискретизації зображень

 A new method for rapid automatic detection values of crossing-over operations in the of the image preprocessing tasks, which based on the divergence matrix operators. Experimental results shown high resistance of method to image processing with fluctuation of intensity function. Comparing the results of the proposed method with the results for the existing, showed acceleration automatically select the crossover factor that significantly reduces the necessary computing power for its operation. This leads to the possibility of he effective usage in preprocessing of large-size images.

Reform of risk-oriented system of customs and tax control in the part of informatization and automation

The article addresses the issues of reforming the risk-oriented system of customs and tax control in the part of informatization and automation. It is analyzed the legal regulation of informatization and automation of fiscal bodies. Some measures are proposed to increase the  efficiency of application of the system of analysis and risk management in the implementation of customs and tax control in the context of creating a unified risk management system in the bodies of the state fiscal service of Ukraine.

Automation of technological processes of assembly modules

The methods of the development of technological modular processes to assemble the article parts of various types are described in this article. Features consist in the creation of an open general database to determine groups of objects that will be assembled by a modular technological process. Depending on the task, design can have technological, organizational, construction or economic related areas.