
Аналіз сучасних засобів автоматизації роботи з електронною документацією

Розглянуто основні засоби автоматизації роботи з електронною документацією, відзначено переваги застосування електронного документообігу в установах та орга- нізаціях. Проаналізовано сучасні програми та системи, які можуть реалізувати застосування електронного документообігу. Відзначено важливість використання автоматизо- ваних систем у туризмі.

Інформаційна система реферування множини документів, поданих у різних форматах, базована на онтології

Описано систему автоматичного реферування множини документів. Показано, що серед існуючих систем практично немає таких, що займаються множинним реферуванням. Спроектовано інформаційну модель такої системи.

The system of the automatic abstracting of great number of documents is described in the article. It is shown that among the existent systems practically is not such which engage in plural abstracting. The informative model of such system is projected.

Information systems for automating work flows: a comparative analysis

Workflow is a sequence of repeated and controlled steps aimed at completing a specific task or work. The urgency of the task of optimizing such works contributed to the development of methods and means  of  operations  research  to  optimize  such  processes  for  the  needs  of  various  subject  areas. Information technologies to support such workflow are workflow engines that enable faster automation, ensure compliance with norms and standards, formalize business processes, improve communication, etc.


A brief description of the basic stages of image processing is given to pay attention to the segmentation stage as a
possible way to improve efficiency in decision-making. The main characteristics of the presented model are visual signs, such as
color, shape, the presence of a stem, and others. Due to the different approaches in image processing, a high level of truthfulness is
achieved, which is expressed in the percentage ratio of the accuracy of decision-making and varies in the range from 90 to 96%.

Improvement of the information security of the management system

The study is aimed at researching ways to improve the information support of the management system using software. The authors determined that automation allows to reduce the time required to perform basic management functions, it is used for calculations and analysis, design, quality control, planning of all operational processes, hiring and accounting of employees, etc. An information system is a combination of technical, software and organizational support, as well as personnel, designed to provide the right people with the right information in a timely manner.

Client-Server Library Index Automation System

The goal of the work is to develop a client-server software system for library index automation, which consists of the user interface, presented as a web page, back-end server layer, and database. The problem of developing a library index automation system has been considered. The developed structure of the library index automation system has been presented. The structure of the library index automation system database has been proposed. The features of designing the user interface of the library index automation system have been considered.


The paper deals with the urgent issue of improving the professional software for text statistical analysis in accordance with the needs of specialists. Peculiarities and prospects of statistical research in linguistics are analyzed and information technology (IT) for determining the statistical profile of Ukrainian-language texts is developed. Complex work on modelling the software system was carried out, it was presented in the corresponding schemes and diagrams, which integrally reflect the functioning and purpose of the developed product.

Automation of the measurement procedure in the mechanical north-seeking gyroscop

The aim of the work is to develop an automated measuring system in a mechanical gyrocompass with the help of specially developed hardware and software in order to facilitate the operation of the device and minimize observer errors. The developed complex provides automation only for the time method, as for the method of the turning point it is necessary to constantly contact the motion screw of the total station. The project is based on an integrated system, the hardware part of which contains a single-board computer, camera, and lens.

Theoretical Fundamentals of Accounting and Reporting Information Construction in the Digital Economy Environment

Modern theoretical and applied principles of digitalization and its impact on the information security of enterprises are revealed. The main digital trends that determine the directions of development of accounting and financial reporting. Peculiarities of the Ukrainian economic environment and possibilities of introduction of the means of informatization developed in the world theory are analyzed. The mechanisms of large-format automation of financial reporting processes and the use of document flow in the activities of Ukrainian enterprises are studied.

Algorithmic and Software of Migration of Databases in Hypermarket Network

Possible ways and options of migrating data from existing database management systems to new ones have been analyzed in the article. Also, the main advantages and disadvantages of these methods have been considered, the common problems that may arise during migration and the standard requirements for this type of system have been given. In the practical part, the Exact Transform Load (ETL) system has been developed with the implementation of all its functional and non-functional requirements, migrating data from the old system to the new one.