
Role, Problems, and Methods of Software Security Testing Automation

In the modern world, where information security becomes a key element of any organization's operations, software security testing automation is more important than ever. The success of an application directly depends on its stability, reliability, and security, which makes the proper implementation of control mechanisms critical. The increase in cyber threats and the growing complexity of software systems make this topic even more relevant.

Use of the Design-Thinking Concept in the Process of Performing a Business Analysis at the Enterprise in the Conditions of Foreign Economic Activity

Success in today’s business depends on the constant implementation of change and the desire to improve. In order to make the right management decision, it is necessary to have up-to-date information about the state and trends of the enterprise’s development. At the same time, the amount of information that needs to be analyzed to choose the best course of action, taking into account all possible consequences and risks, is steadily growing.

Application of a Test Survey System Based on Cluster Analysis and Machine Learning in the Tasks of Professional Selection of Specialists

The research is aimed at developing a test survey for the effective selection of specialists in the IT field, based on the use of modern machine learning methods, particularly cluster analysis using the k- means method. Given the limited access to existing testing platforms, which are typically available only to large companies on a paid basis, the decision was made to create an alternative web application. This application will become an accessible tool for a wider range of users and will allow automating the process of evaluating candidates' skills.

Особливості проектування системи тестування знань на основі технології клієнт/сервер

Проаналізовано основні аспекти побудови засобів тестування знань користувачів та наведено особливості проектування системи тестування знань на основі технології клієнт/сервер.

The article analyzes the main aspects of construction and testing of knowledge of users are testing the design features of knowledge-based technology client / server.

Аналіз та класифікація програмних засобів тестування знань

Здійснено класифікацію відомих програмних засобів тестування знань, наведено основні модулі розробленої системи iLaT.

The article makes a classification of known software testing knowledge, are the main modules of the developed system iLaT.

Systematic Mapping Study on Verification and Validation of Industrial Third-party Iot Applications

The next industrial revolution commonly known as Industry 4.0 represents the idea of interconnected manufacturing, where intelligent devices, systems and processes exchange information, resources and artifacts to optimize the complete value-added chain and to reduce costs and time-to- market. Industrial software ecosystems are a good example how the latest digitalization trends are applied in the industry domain and how with the help of industrial IoT applications the production process can be optimized.

Component analysis algorithm for online electronic knowledge testing systems

Introduction. In Bologna Process half of teaching time is dedicated for independent activity of the students. Computer support of the educational process provides wide opportunities for independent work of students and their work in classrooms. Therefore, virtual learning environment platform (VLE) could be an essential tool for solving the task of increasing the quality of education.

Методи та засоби організації тестування у ВНС ЛП

Описано можливості ВНС ЛП щодо оцінювання якості та контролю знань студентів. Проаналізовано доцільність використання різних типів тестових питань при формуванні завдань для контрольних заходів та екзаменаційного контролю відповідно до рекомендацій нормативних документів Львівської політехніки. 

Environmental monitoring, control of extraction and processing of pollymetalic ores based on X-ray radiometric investigations

Purpose. The purpose of research - the creation of effective systems for monitoring and quality control of copper-bearing ores and their products at the stages of mining and processing of nonferrous metallurgy flagship redistribution of Kazakhstan on "Zhezkazgan» "Kazakhmys Corporation" due to the wide use of modern nuclear-geophysical technology testing tools and hardware and analysis of ores and industrial products of their processing in which problems are solved highly effective environmental monitoring. Methods.