Use of the Design-Thinking Concept in the Process of Performing a Business Analysis at the Enterprise in the Conditions of Foreign Economic Activity

: pp. 109 - 118
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Foreign Trade and Customs

Success in today’s business depends on the constant implementation of change and the desire to improve. In order to make the right management decision, it is necessary to have up-to-date information about the state and trends of the enterprise’s development. At the same time, the amount of information that needs to be analyzed to choose the best course of action, taking into account all possible consequences and risks, is steadily growing. Business analysis is a scientific approach with clearly defined principles, practices, and concepts that collectively help organizations and business analysis professionals create desired results. Implementation of business analysis at the enterprise becomes not only an important factor, but also a key factor of successful functioning and development. This is especially relevant for customer-oriented companies, where understanding the needs and behavior of consumers is the key to successful development.
Modern tools of business analysis at the enterprise are extremely diverse, their use is an important factor in making management decisions. Implementation of business analysis at the enterprise becomes not only an important factor, but also a key factor of successful functioning and development. This is especially relevant for customer-oriented companies, where understanding the needs and behavior of consumers is the key to successful

development. Some of the most common business analysis tools are: SWOT analysis, PEST (LE) analysis, Porter’s 5 forces, McKinsey ‘7C’ model, ABC analysis, SPACE analysis, Tableau de bord, XYZ analysis, design thinking.
Design thinking is considered as a way to solve problems that arise in business, organization through empathy, in-depth understanding of the client, user, consumer of goods and services. This approach to decisionmaking helps to reduce the risks of wasting resources and time by introducing new methods of design thinking, which are based on key aspects: human-centeredness, possibilities, variability, repeatability. It’s a systematic approach that allows teams to generate, prototype, and test ideas to ensure they match real-world user needs. According to Tim Brown’s research, design thinking is a tool for developing solutions that meet human needs and desires.
Design thinking is fundamentally different from the traditional way of thinking, as it is not based on a standard analytical approach to analyzing problems and building mental models, but on deep immersion in the experience of users or customers.

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