local self-government

Problems of education policy implementation at the regional level

Problem setting. Nowadays, the main task of reforming education at the regional level is the searching for effective mechanisms of implementation, combining the interests of the community (population of a certain territory) in accordance with the priorities of the development of the region. The need to identify and understand the obstacles to reform, their factors and possible consequences, and determines the relevance of the article.

Legislative conditions for reforming the gmina organization in the Halychyna in 20-30s of the XX century

The development of restored in 1918 Poland required new conceptual views and actions in the political and legal sphere. Consequently, interwar Poland (1918–1939) needed the unification of territorial administrative units and related authorities to one stable component. First of all, this unification was important for the gmina organization, which, in Poland before the 1930s, stood out with heterogeneity. The reform, performed in 1933, introduced the one single “collective” gmina (gmina zborowa) for all regions of the Second Polish Republic. This type of gmina didn’t exist in the Halychyna.

Constitutional aspects of the regulation of territorial community status as the primary unit in the system of local self-government

The status of territorial community is determined as the primer subject of local selfgovernment. Various approaches of comprehension of territorial community are presented in domestic science. The scope and modes of consolidation of territorial community constitutional statute are investigated using the example of separate countries which are the members of the European Union.

The reform of local state administrations in the context of decentralization power in Ukraine

In the article is devoted to the problems reformations in local state administration.
Theoretical models of formation order, adoption and realization of managerial decisions in
local state administration are developed. There are defined problems of decentralization
reforms in Ukraine

Features of municipalmanagement are in foreign countries

The multilevel systems of state administration are examined in the article, what characteristic for the modern democratic states. The mortgage of the normal functioning of these difficult systems is a correct decision of problem of relations between the levels of power in any state. Given out on the face of it, that this problem is related to the decision of questions about distribution of plenary powers, responsibility and activity of different imperious structures.

The essential characteristics of local self-government

This article is devoted to research additional methodological aspects of the nature of local self-government, its place and role in society. The author made an analysis of different interpretations and understanding of local self-government and considered the main causes of the hypothesis in humans needs to self-organization.