information society

The principle of informatization of education in a globalized society

The problems of informatization of education are analised in the article. The role of education in the global information society is determinated. The main manifestations of informatization of education are determinated, among them there are: new means acquiring knowledge, innovation and technical resources information; strengthening intra-state and international communications education and research sector; formation of new educational content and new forms of education, such as distance education and virtual universities.

Impact of information law reform process in public relations in Ukraine

The article examines the impact of information law in the process of reform of social relations in Ukraine in connection with the association Ukraine and the European Union. We analyze the legal framework regulating the right of information and communication technologies in the context of adaptation of national legislation with EU requirements. The comparative analysis of the impact of the legal basis of information law in the process of reforming society.

Concept and types of information systems

The article studies modern legal and scientific approaches to the analysis of the category “information system” as the object of legal protection in the information society. It indicates that in the legislation there is a significant number of legal acts containing definitions of “information system”. These definitions are not identical, which generates some legal conflicts and gives ground to assert the need for appropriate categorical apparatus. The article provides classification of information systems according to various criteria.

Relationship of competitiveness of entrepreneurship and internet-marketing

In the presented article the authors analyze the current state of the formation of the information economy in Ukraine, make grounded conclusions regarding the submitted questions. Also, the authors identify the relationship of information space with the appearance of new communication tools in marketing. Internet marketing now is the such kind of communication tool. Internet Marketing is primarily providing consumers with an opportunity to receive information about products. Any potential customer can use the Internet to get information about the product and buy it.

Аналіз особливостей побудови систем електронного урядування в Україні

The analysis of public policy of information society and e-governance. The prerequisites of e-government in Ukraine, and presented a model of public administration under the Information Society. The analysis of developmental stages of e-governance. These expected results of implementing e-government.

Consulting support of the project management development in conditions of society informatization

The article justifies the necessity of changing the management paradigm in the emerging information society. It is proved that project management is a determinant factor in cooperation of businesses during globalization. The processes of consulting environment formation as the basis of information support and the expansion of the project management application scope are analyzed. There are proposed measures to improve the project management methodology and to promote its dissemination.

Технічні аспекти опрацювання комп'ютером природномовної інформації

The article deals with technical problems of natural language information processing by computer caused by the presence of multiple character encoding standards and non-compliance by users with spelling and punctuation rules. The necessity of previous technical processing of such texts before their use in scientific researches as well as in various information systems has been grounded.

Legal analysis of innovative displays phenomena of law in the information society

The article discusses the changes of aspects in phenomena of state and power in globalization. Particular attention is paid to the value of the information component of variable transformations. Trends in the development of law in the information society are identified. The components of the transformation of legal space are specified, particular attention is paid to virtualization of law as a modern phenomenon of contemporary reality.