A characteristic feature of the present stage of economic, technological and information progress is rapid development of information technologies, their wide use in everyday life and education as well as in government management.
Today, the educational system is undergoing the period of changes and transformations. Educational establishments should form the ability to learn, obtain information and gather the nesseray knowledge. Hence, the development of an individual's information culture plays an increasing role in educational process.
Expansion of the information culture in the society and, particularly, in education is an important social and educational foundation of informatization in general. This article examines peculiarities of formation of an individual's information culture; elucidates the notion of "information culture" and formulates the problems of its formation; identifies the ways and methods by which information culture influences the efficiency of the educational process.
Formation of the information culture influences students thinking ability in a positive way, enabling them to think in categories, see main ideas, analyze the situation and draw conclusions developing their objective and abstract constituents.
Proving the importance of IT influence on the process of education, we also focus our attention on the negative moments of such influence. We reveal the essence of such aspects as individualization of the learning process, creation of new forms of interaction, informatization impact on the modern language, students' values and cultural interests as well as material filtration, transition to individual work, substitution of real knowledge by a computer programme etc.
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