
Professional Legal Assistance when Resolving Cases in Administrative Courts: Features of Provision and Development Prospects

Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of providing professional legal assistance in resolving cases in administrative courts and the prospects for its development. It is noted that today, effective legal protection is difficult to imagine without professional legal assistance. Professional legal assistance includes various aspects and can be implemented through various forms, such as: consultations, explanations, drafting of various documents, including lawsuits, appeals, complaints, as well as representation, in particular before courts and other state bodies.

Identification of a lawyer with a client as a violation of the rights and guarantees of lawyer activity

The article is devoted to highlighting one of the actual problems of identifying a lawyer with a client. The European direction of the development of Ukraine as a legal state actualizes the problems of guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of the participants in the judicial process, as well as their effective protection against socially dangerous encroachments. A bar exists to provide professional legal assistance in Ukraine.

Inacceptability of influence by prosecutors and lawyers on the activities of judges

  Abstract. Prosecutors and lawyers, whose work involves ensuring the application of the law and, at the same time, diligently respecting court decisions, the enforcement of which is often their duty, must protect the right to appeal during their execution. It is clear that the reverse is also true: judges must respect prosecutors as representatives of these professional bodies and not interfere with the performance of their duties.

Fundamental principles of lawyer activity in the countries of the European Union

«In a society based on respect for the rule of law, a lawyer plays a special role. A lawyer's responsibilities do not begin and end with the conscientious performance of his/her statutory powers. A lawyer must serve the interests of justice, as well as those whose rights and freedoms he is authorized to defend and protect, in addition, a lawyer's duties include not only defending the client's interests but also being a client's advisor. Respect for the professional function of a lawyer is a necessary condition for the rule of law and democracy in society» [1, p. 1].

Lawyer's participation in cases on establishing the fact of living in the same family of a man and a woman without marriage registration

The article is devoted to the issue of establishing the fact that a man and a woman live in the same family without marriage registration and the involvement of a lawyer in this category of cases.

In the article, the author analyzed the main provisions of family legislation, which regulate the procedure for establishing the fact of living in the same family of a man and a woman without marriage registration, as well as court practice on the specified topic.

On the activities of lawyers in the field of protection of rights, freedoms of the population of Ukraine

The article describes the regulatory framework on which the activities of the bar are based and analyzes the Law of Ukraine "On the Bar and Advocacy". Attention is focused on the basic principles of this Law, the observance and provision of which has a positive effect on the organization and functioning of the bar as a whole, and on the activities of lawyers, in particular.

Ethical standards in advocacy: features of observation and responsibility for their violation

It has found that the activity of a legal professional is based on the general moral and moral principles of humanism, justice, legality, patriotism, independence, publicity, etc. In Ukraine, in addition to professional requirements, the legislative level enshrines ethical requirements for advocacy and the identity of a lawyer.

Lawyer's participation in cases of determination of children's residence and participation of parents in their upbringing

The article highlights the peculiarities of a lawyer's participation in cases concerning the determination of children's place of residence, cases of participation in upbringing and the order of communication between parents and children.

Problems of the institute of advocacy in the criminal process and its overcoming

In civilized democracies, the bar is an integral factor of the legal system and the main non-state institution for the protection of the individual, his rights and freedoms. In modern conditions, when the issue of effective reform of the legal system of the state, its approximation to European standards - the standards of countries with better legal awareness and legal culture, there are problematic issues of formation and development of legal aid as a guarantee of law and order in civil society in Ukraine.