the rule of law

Differentiation justice philosophy and philosophy of justice

Article updated two concepts in their philosophical and legal distinction between “justice” and “justice” that cause at most controversial debates among theorists and practitioners. To this end, the theoretical argument Review eminent scientists, constitutional provisions on justice and justice for the installation of modern approaches to the interpretation of these concepts, their significant semantic differences.

Human rights and freedoms in the philosophy of law ukrainian populists: origin and formation

The article investigates the features of formation of the populist philosophy of law and the philosophical and legal ideas in Ukraine. The article analyzes the development of philosophical thought in the context of European philosophical and legal culture and the roots of its own formation. The basic ideas of the relationship between the position of human rights with notions of power and state in philosophical and legal concepts Ukrainian populists, their views on natural law.

Legal economic order in Ukraine: an optimal combination of market self-regulation of economic relations of economic entities and state regulation of macroeconomic processes

The article examines: the legal economic order in Ukraine and the optimal combination of market self-regulation of economic relations of economic entities and state regulation of macroeconomic processes.

Human rights and freedoms in the philosophy of law Ukrainian populists: origin and formation

The article investigates the features of formation of the populist philosophy of law and the philosophical and legal ideas in Ukraine. The article analyzes the development of philosophical thought in the context of European philosophical and legal culture and the roots of its own formation. The basic ideas of the relationship between the position of human rights with notions of
power and state in philosophical and legal concepts Ukrainian populists, their views on natural law.

The structure of the principle of the rule of law: the analysis in the light of its enforcement

The article analyzes the necessity of studies of the structure of the principle of the rule of law. It examines different approaches to the selection of the components of this principle and its importance in the context of its enforcement.

The legal methods of formation of legal consciouness

The article is devoted to the exploration of ways and methods of formation of legal
consciousness in the context of ensuring their realization of the State and civil society.
The author attempted to describe the basic methods of forming of legal consciousness
separating them into categories to “public” and “private”, depending on the subjects of their
We come to the conclusion that a key place in the system of remedies of formation of legal
consciousness takes legal education as a precondition for social development of individual.

Legal basis of interaction of internal affairs and civil society institutions

The article comprehensively studied the legal principles of interaction of internal affairs
and civil society, comprehensively analyzes the legal framework of the mentioned issues. Deals
with the concept of relation “state – civil society” as a regulatory scheme that ensures longterm
stable development of Ukrainian society

The right of a human and a citizen for protection against informational-psychological aggressive war

Problems of destructive processes of informational-psychological aggression against civilians, aimed at deregulation of moral values, are considered in the article. The need to solve the fundamental problems that hinder the effective restoration of order in the observance of human rights by the means of informational and communication sector and, in particular, legal communication as one of the varieties of industrial informational-communication systems is described.

Legal modelling of law consciousness in the context of legal doctrine

The article is devoted to the study of the General characteristics of modelling of legal consciousness entity, group and society.The author is attempting to simulate the main characteristics of the phenomenon of consciousness depending on the generally accepted legal concepts of formation and operation of the law. We come to the conclusion that legal modelling of law consciousness depends on the prevailing in society theoretical principles of legal understanding. Constructing an ultimate model of this phenomenon leads to a comprehensive approach to realize the value of law.