
Analysis of Statistical Relationships Between the Levels of Suicides and Deaths Due to Injuries With Undefined Intent as Evidence of the Potential Latentity of the Suicides Rate in Ukraine

The article analyzes the available statistical data on the levels and coefficients of the causes of death in Ukraine according to the information of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine in the period from 2005 to 2021, among which special attention that is paid to intentional self-harm (suicide) and

Economic and Statistical Small Business Competitiveness Analysis

The article discusses the small businesses role in the market economy at the current stage of its development, characterizes its advantages and disadvantages, and defines the essence of the «competitiveness» concept. The authors have emphasized the economic and statistical analysis importance in researching the competitiveness of small businesses and in forming an effective strategy for its enhancement.

Crimes of sexual violence in Ukraine: characteristics and international experience

Annotation. The article examines the normative and legal characteristics of the concept of «violent sexual crime», studies the opinions of Ukrainian scientists regarding the problem of detecting violent sexual crime, and examines the statistical data of the Prosecutor General's Office regarding the frequency of this type of criminal offense.

The foreign experience regarding the peculiarities of differentiation of violent sexual crime in the criminal legal acts of the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, and the Republic of Poland was analyzed.

Statistical signal processing of acoustic emission and their parameters

The methodological principles of the processing of acoustic emission signals for nondestructive testing of metal and observing the dynamics of developing defects. Statistical analysis of information AE signal parameters is based on search of the following information attributes: the average value of the amplitude of individual signals, the average interval between single acts amplitude variance, the variance of intervals, the correlation coefficient between the values of the amplitudes and intervals, the observation of the current implementation.

Crime as a form of deviant child behavior (analysis of crimes committed by minors or with their participation in the territory of Ukraine for the period 2005–2014 and 9 months of 2015)

This article is devoted to analysis of crimes committed by minors or with their
participation in the territory of Ukraine for the period 2005-2014 years and 9 months of 2015;
crimes committed by juveniles or with their participation on the territory of Ukraine for the
period 2013-2014 years and 9 months of 2015

Функційні можливості системи розпізнавання та ідентифікації користувачів комп’ютера на основі дискретних моделей

In the article the description the system of computer users recognition is offered by means discrete model, that relations the sentinel delays at entered information from a keyboard in the to discrete moment of time. It allowed to increase efficiency of recognition almost in 1,5 time and automates procedure of authentication of users. The main directions of development and application of the systems of recognition and identification created on the basis of discrete models are marked.

Інформаційно-аналітична система «Електронний кампус НТУУ «КПІ»

Запропоновано використання комплексного підходу до планування та забезпечення навчального процесу вищого навчального закладу, визначено поняття системи контролю та обліку методичної роботи підрозділів, наведено структуру системного середовища. Описано технології роботи із електронним інформаційно-методичним забезпеченням навчального процесу системи “Електронний кампус”, що впроваджено в НТУУ “КПІ”.

Engaging minors in criminal activity – prerequisite deviant behavior of children

This article is devoted to the offenses under Article 304 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine for the period 2005–2014 and 9 months of 2015, committed on the territory of Ukraine (broken down by regions); psychological determinants of disclosure and review causes involving minors in criminal activity.