The article discusses the small businesses role in the market economy at the current stage of its development, characterizes its advantages and disadvantages, and defines the essence of the «competitiveness» concept. The authors have emphasized the economic and statistical analysis importance in researching the competitiveness of small businesses and in forming an effective strategy for its enhancement. Using economic and statistical methods such as absolute and relative indicators, averages, and the analysis of dynamic series, the article analyzes the state and dynamics of the formation, development, and market position of small businesses. It examines the dynamics of the small and micro-enterprises number, the employees number, the goods and services sold volume, and their market share based on these indicators. Additionally, the study investigates changes in the structure of the goods and services sold volume by all sizes enterprises according to economic activity types and changes in the capital investments structure in small and micro-enterprises in Ukraine. Furthermore, the article establishes patterns in the development of societal phenomena and processes over time, the elements distribution in statistical populations, structural shifts over time and space. The main factors contributing to or hindering the small businesses development are characterized. Based on the results of the analysis, trends in the small and micro-enterprises development in the Ukrainian market and changes in their competitive positions are outlined. Key factors that contribute to the growth of small and micro-enterprises competitiveness are identified, as well as factors that impede it. This information can serve as an important foundation for the development of an effective strategy for enhancing the small businesses competitiveness in modern conditions.
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