computer simulation

Chaotic dynamics of a new 7D memristor-based generator: computer modeling and circuit design

The paper introduces a new seven-dimensional (7D) chaotic system based on a memristor emulator created using a hyperbolic tangent function.  This system is derived from a six-dimensional (6D) dynamic system of equations that describes the process of magnetic field generation, serving as an alternative to the Rikitake dynamo, which explains the inversion of the magnetic field of the Earth and other celestial bodies.  The study analyzes the stability of equilibrium points in the new dynamical system.  The Lyapunov exponents spectrum and the Kaplan–Yorke dimension are calc

Mathematical modeling and computer simulation of locomotion conditions of vibration-driven robots

This paper investigates the dynamic behavior and locomotion characteristics of vibration-driven robots with wheeled chassis, focusing on the comparison of two types of vibration exciters: a solenoid-type actuator and a centrifugal (inertial) exciter.  The research methodology involves 3D modeling using SolidWorks software to design the robots, numerical modeling in Mathematica software to simulate their motion and predict kinematic characteristics, and computer simulation in SolidWorks Motion software to validate the modeling results.  The robots utilize overrunning clu

Моделювання обробки KWTA-нейронною схемою змінних дискретизованих сигналів

Описується математична модель KWTA-нейронної схеми («K-winners-take-all»), призначеної для ідентифікації К максимальних серед N невідомих, змінних у часі дискретизованих сигналів, де $1 \leq \mathrm{K}<\mathrm{N}$. Для коректного функціонування моделі динамічний зсув вхідних сигналів протягом перехідних процесів повинен змінюватись набагато швидше, ніж вхідні сигнали. Представлено відповідні результати комп’ютерного моделювання.

Application of the zeros and poles matched method for modeling of electrical systems

The widespread use of mathematical applications, which include differential equations solvers, and the increase in the speed of computing devices have led to a decrease in interest in operator methods, in particular, the z-transform. Nevertheless, the use of the z-transform capabilities allows the implementation of efficient high-speed computing schemes with high numerical stability. The need for this may arise in the case of real-time simulation or the synthesis of digital control systems.


The problem of creating electrochemical devices and the issues that arise in the system of the primary converterobject of control are considered. Low-resistance (salt solutions) and high-resistance (sugar solutions) objects were selected as the subject of study. To solve the problem, we have applied the method of impedance spectrum analysis with EIS Spectrum Analyzer software, which performs modeling on the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. Substitution schemes in different frequency and concentration ranges of studied objects were synthesized.


It is proposed to apply the concept of life cycle assessment of alternative energy sources, such as wind turbines, to assess their environmental impact. Through simulation modeling, using SimaPro software, obtained was an integrated system of indicators of the impact wind energy systems on the layers subsystems of the compartments of complex landscape systems. A process tree has been built to identify potential impacts, as well as to characterize, weigh, and rank them.

Computer Simulation of the Power System Stabilizer

Structural models of system stabilizers of power grids that are used to improve damping of power system oscillations by controlling the excitation of synchronous power plants turbogenerators are considered in the article. Mathematical and structural models of such a system stabilizer for various orders of its transfer function according to the IEEE recommendations are proposed for implementation in computer design systems, in particular, for the computer analysis system of the DAKAR power grids.

Researching of the Dynamic of Hoist Dragline Excavator ЕШ-15/90а Drive

This article surveys an analysis of dynamic processes of hoist of the excavator-dragline type ЕШ-15/90 using computer simulation, considering the effect of sagging of the rope. A comparison of the accuracy of the obtained computer models with and without the nonlinearity of its elasticity coefficient is considered. Structural models with the use the libraries of MATLAB + Simulink mathematical program are proposed to solve this problem.

Computer modelling of collector and ac eleсtronic executive motors

Commutator and brushless torque motors, which work in component of the direct elec-tric servo drive of the optical telescope the mathematical and computer models were de-signed. In MATLAB/Simulink the computer simulation of the control objects mathematical models is held. In order to confirm the results the physical eksperiment is held on the stand for researching