
Perspectives of the state building and Ukrainian national idea in the works of Ivan Franko

Ivan Franko’s thoughts on the topic of the Ukrainian national idea and perspectives of Ukrainian statehood in the early twentieth century were researched. The material of the journalistic heritage clarifies the views of Ivan Franko on the essence of the Ukrainian national idea and the means of its realization, in particular, the role of the young generation in consolidating all national-patriotic forces in the struggle for the independence and unity of Ukraine.

National issue in the West Ukrainian People's Republic. The 100th Anniversary of the achievements of Ukrainian state-building

Problem setting. In different epochs, the state-building processes in Ukraine had characteristic features that should be taken into account today. The achievements of the Central Rada, the Hetmanate, the Directory, and the Soviet government in Ukraine reveal the complex external and internal circumstances of state-building. Political leaders of this period pursued their own principles of governance, often ignoring the lessons of the past.

A tireless fighter for the rights and freedom of Ukrainian people (to the 160 anniversary of I. Franko)

Scientific-theoretical and revolutionary activity of the genius of the Ukrainian people Ivan Franko directed to the social and national liberation of Ukrainian people struggle for its rights and freedoms is being observed.

Theoretical and methodological analysis of the nationally patriotic education of students

The article is devoted to the analysis of nationally patriotic education of students. Particularly this issue is concerned to be burning among other problems that are brought before universities and it is related to the problem of specialists training that in 21 century will take upon themselves the formation of a state, its socially-political and economic development, public order and armed forces.

Formation of ecological culture, love to native nature in the futureworkers of law enforcement agencies

Here is considered the actual problem of formation of an ecological culture in the future
law enforcement officers as an important factor of love to native nature, small and big
Motherland, legal protection of legal environment

The formation of national self-awareness as an important factor of patriotism in the future workers of law enforcement agencies

The actual problems of national self-awareness forming as an important factor of patriotism in the future students and cadets of higher education institutions of Ukraine are considered. The future law enforcement officers, on whom the state and society will put the responsibility for providing stable public order and public safety, the protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of the citizens of Ukraine.