Methodology for managing personnel risks in enterprises

: pp. 1 - 9
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University

This article analyzes the essence of personnel risks of enterprises and develops a methodology for managing them. The methodology for managing personnel risks of an enterprise primarily involves identifying the risk and identifying its components. It also includes various aspects of the process of managing personnel and the enterprise as a whole, the key elements of which are: personnel risk factors; indicators of personnel risks; probable losses or gains; methods of personnel risk management; budgeting; Implementation deadlines. It is noted that the development of methods for managing personnel risks begins only when the critical point of the onset of negative consequences of the implementation of personnel risks in the functioning of the enterprise is reached, which entail serious problems.

The main methods of managing personnel risks of an enterprise have been identified, which include preventive and reactive methods. The preventative method is to eliminate personnel risks before they reach the crisis stage. The reactive method is aimed at eliminating the negative consequences of personnel risks. Both methods should be used in the process of managing personnel risks of an enterprise. The proposed system of methods for managing personnel risks of an enterprise, built on the main stages of the personnel management process, allows us to formulate a number of recommendations in order to neutralize the impact of personnel risks, namely: recruitment, selection and selection of personnel, adaptation of personnel to working conditions at the enterprise; employee assessment and certification; personnel training and development; dismissal of workers.

It has been proven that managing personnel risks requires the use of a set of measures to eliminate them. For this purpose, it is advisable to use risk transfer methods through outstaffing, outsourcing or personnel leasing. It is indicated that the management of personnel risks of an enterprise is closely related to the goals and objectives of the strategic development of the enterprise; personnel management system; personal assessment of employees and continuous identification and monitoring of the performance of enterprise personnel. Based on the results of the study, the main directions for minimizing the impact of personnel risks of the enterprise were identified, and the main methods for avoiding them were proposed.

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