information systems

The influence of the principles of civil process on the legal regulation of electronic document flow

Abstract. The article examines the influence of the principles of civil procedure on the legal regulation of electronic document flow based on a comprehensive systematic analysis of the current Ukrainian legislation and normative acts of the European Union. The object of the study is the legal relationship regarding the electronic document flow that arises between the court and other participants in the process, which are related to the implementation of the system of principles of civil justice.

Умови, стратегія та перспективи розвитку інформаційних технологій

Розкрито сучасне розуміння феномена інформаційного суспільства, подані показники, тенденції й прогнози впровадження інформаційних технологій у світі та його вплив на глобальний розвиток. У цьому контексті розглянуто соціокультурні зрушення в Україні, безпосередньо пов’язані зі впровадженням і використанням інформаційних технологій, зокре- ма: поширення нових форм масової комунікацій, трансформація та розвиток систем «циф- рової» демократії та електронного урядування, сучасних технологій. Розкрито стан проблеми розвитку інформаційних технологій.

Modernization of the activities of law enforcement bodies of Ukraine in modern conditions

Annotation. The current conditions of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine are extremely complex, which requires increased efficiency in this area. The purpose of this article was to highlight the main directions of modernization of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine. This study was carried out within the limits of the set goal using the following methods: information-analytical method, system approach method, anamnestic method, descriptive statistics method, descriptive analysis method, forecasting method.

Determination of the Influence of the Economic Cycle Stages on the Innovative Potential of Small Entrepreneurship

The small business sector is studied. It is hypothesized that the small business sector has a significant innovative potential, the possibilities of which depend on the economic cycle of market conjuncture. It has been hypothesized that innovation investment in the small business sector depends significantly on economic cycles, and that the structure / directions of innovation investment are determined by the global market conjuncture.

Problems and Prospects of Application of Corporate Technologies of Enterprise Management in the Conditions of European Integration

The purpose of the article is to systematize the features of application of corporate technologies of enterprise management under the conditions of euro integration.

The problems of formation and application of automated information technologies in enterprise management systems are analyzed. Its features in the conditions of European integration are revealed.

Intellectual System “Mobile Information Assistant of the Tourist”: Functional and Technological Features

The main objective of the article is to present general description and statement of purpose, content, functional and technological features of software and algorithmic complex that implements the concept of intelligent system “Mobile tourist information assistant”, developed by scientists from the National University “Lviv Polytechnic”. In the work the basic problem situations that arise in the process of creating intellectual information system of this class and methods and ways to overcome them are presented and analyzed.

Police cooperation Ukraine and the European Union – legal aspects

Forming legal space on law enforcement Ukraine on cooperation with the European Police Office in the efficiency of combating crime within the jurisdiction of European law enforcement agencies. Analyzed legal acts regulating legal relations in the sphere of interaction of information systems, information and telecommunication networks, information and personal data.

Інтелектуально-інформаційна система управління діяльністю фармацевтичного підприємства

In the article the method of collection, analysis and working of information is described on the example of the pharmaceutical company. The charts of functioning of algorithm and methods of working of information are developed in the set subject domain.

Моделювання Web-орієнтованих систем та напрямки розвитку Web-ресурсів

In this article is a typical example of coordination web-systems. The main problems that arise when building an effective web-sites and approaches to solving these problems. In particular, studies key performance indicators defined sites and methods for improvement. Analyzes the trends of development of information systems that are based on web-technology. Formulated main approaches to implementation of web-technologies. The structural-functional model of software system for designing web-oriented systems and by a description of structural modules that are part of it.