
The Versatility of Ivan Levynsky’s Cultural Heritage

Attention is paid to the issues of the historical and cultural heritage of prominent figures of the Ukrainian past, its influence on cultural and socio-economic changes, transformational and processes of modernization in Ukraine, and to the formation of a distinctive national socio-cultural space in the modern conditions of Ukrainian state-building, growth of national consciousness and the manifestation of Ukrainian identity.


In current article, author reveals the concept of the crowdfunding system and its role in
the implementation and development of crowdfunding. The challenge lies in the definition of
«crowdfunding system» and its elements and analysis a difference between of crowdfunding
system for national economy and for a separate crowdfunding project.
The author made an analysis of existing definitions of crowdfunding system and its key
characteristics. The foreign practitioners and scientists sometimes use the term "5P" of

Наскрізна конструкторська підготовка спеціалістів та магістрів на кафедрі конструювання верстатів та машин механіко-машинобудівного інституту НТУУ "КПІ"

This paper analyzes the recent research in the field of scientific — methodological approaches and approaches to the formation of technical knowledge, theoretical — methodological problems of training design directions and innovative methods of teaching and compared modern requirements for professional competence of graduates in engineering and technology and the problem of socio — economic development countries.

Historical, cultural and ethno-national in philosophical and religious ideas

Zynovij Timenyk. Historical, Cultural and Ethno-National in the Philosophical-Religious Ideas: From the Tempo- Rhythmic Innovations

On the basis of heritage of Ukrainian thinkers of 40th XIX c. — 70th XX c. the historical, cultural and ethno-national tempo-rhythm in the context of interreligious communications of interdisciplinary sphere is analyzed. The object of the research is the idea of God in the structure of a human being and the world, the idea of truth and plenitude of interreligious communications.

New challenges for contemporary architecture: interdisciplinarity – innovation – social communication

This paper refers to seeking new possibilities for contemporary architecture to develop. The discussed problems focus on interdisciplinarity, innovation, social communication as elements indispensable for development. The article applies to the essence and the notion of relations between these elements. The presented examples illustrate selected design problems. Social communication is described as the determinant of modern society development based on information flow. Two projects are presented, both practical examples of the discussed issues.

Features of marketing of the innovation support of domestic industrial enterprises in the conditions of international economic relations

The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical foundations and applied problems in marketing support of the innovation enterprises in conditions of international economic relations. Theoretical and methodological basis of research are the fundamental provisions of economic theory, scientific works of scientists on marketing of innovations.

The role of marketing innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises

Innovations play a major role in the development of enterprises. According to the generally accepted division innovations are divided into: product, process, organizational and marketing innovations. The most popular among small and medium-sized enterprises are product innovations. Marketing innovation are taken less frequently, due to their derivative nature with respect to other types of innovation.

Management of innovation activities at engineering enterprises under condition of mass individualization of demand

Analyzing the state of the economy of the present day we see the need of use of innovative processes, as a basis of high-quality shifts. Under modern conditions of economic activity the innovation becomes a driving force of economic, technological, political, ecological and social development of society.

HR management of industrial enterprises with foreign investment

In the article the features of staffing industrial  enterprises with foreign investments are considered, division of domestic enterprises with foreign capital into groups depending on the purpose of investment are made, ,  the characteristics of business cultures of Ukraine and Germany are considered, the mechanism of staffing providing of the industrial  enterprises with foreign investments is developed.

Financial management in the process of innovation project implementation

The paper studied the theoretical and practical aspects of the financial sphere in the process of innovation project. The characteristic of the term "innovation project". Considered an innovative project stage and given them a description. This definition of the term "business plan". Characterized sources of funding for innovative projects. The detailed analysis of internal and external sources of funding. An assessment of the financing innovation of domestic enterprises. The correlation between spending on innovation activities of enterprises.