
Encrypting the File System on a Single-Board Computers Platform and Using Linux Unified Key Setup With Physical Access Keys

The object of the research is the security of the file system of a single-board platform. As part of the research reported in this paper, a method has been proposed to protect the file system using encryption. Implementing a Linux Unified Key Setup paired with a password or Universal Serial Bus key has been demonstrated. The advantages of Linux Unified Key Setup for this task and the possibilities for system configuration and encryption method depending on the use case and hardware configuration has been outlined.


This article presents the research of texture enhancement algorithms on medical images. Medical MRI brain scans contain large areas with low level grey colors that carry useful information for doctors. Texture improvement allow to highlight large grey areas on images for future detailed recognition. Based on the study of existing texture enhancement methods, it was determined that fractal operators are effective for processing medical images.

Метод і алгоритми перетворення типу «контур-контур» та «область-область»

Запропоновано метод і алгоритми перетворення контурів та областей. Наведено результати перетворення контурів та областей на біомедичних зображеннях.

The method and algorithms contours and areas transformation are offered in the article.
The results of contours and areas transformation are described.

Метод і алгоритми аналізу плоских симетричних зображень у растровій формі

Запропоновано метод і алгоритми аналізу симетричних зображень у растровій формі. Наведено результати аналізу симетричних зображень-орнаментів.

The method and algorithms analysis of symmetric images in a raster form are suggested in the article. The results of analysis of symmetric image-ornaments are described.

Intellectual Analysis of Transformation Process of the Algebra Algorithm Formulas

The processes of transforming the algorithm algebra formulas are described. The algorithm for calculation of geometrical parameters of unithrams is given. Synthesized, minimized, built a mathematical model and investigated the algorithm of the transformation process of algebra algorithm formulas.

Адаптивний синтез формул абстрактних алгоритмів

This article is about determination adaptation processes of algorithms formulas. The adaptation algorithm of formulas is resulted. Synthesized, minimized, and built mathematical model and probed adaptation algorithm of operation base sign.

Підсистема знищення формул алгоритмів

This article is about the determination of the process of deleting formulas of algorithms. The algorithm of computer deleting of formulas of algorithms was given. Synthesized, minimizing the mathematical model was synthesized, minimized and the algorithm of deleting of formulas of abstract algorithms was studied.